RX3 Starring as...

Detective James Carter in…

:rofl: :biglaugh: :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:


i actually cant wait to see this though

saw a teaser trailer a while back

So thats where he has been all these months :stuck_out_tongue:

:lol: our own celebrity :slight_smile:

Hey Rick if this shit goes north of 75 mil on release can you toss a couple sets of tires my way?

hahahaha the picture of them screaming in the back of the car is the best

i remember one time i waved ‘hi’ to a black dude in a 2g eclipse on north campus and received a cold stare. rick’s sweet :tup:

You bastards :mad: :slight_smile:


You bastards :mad: :slight_smile:


We <3 you, Rick.

“Which one a y’all kicked me?”