rush hour 3

yep there is a third one their in France. both actors are back looks good!


yep there is a third one their in France. both actors are back looks good!


That’s because it’s starring RX3… I probably won’t see it in theatres but will catch it on DVD…

their in france?

OMFG. end yourself fucking noob.

on topic, the movie looks good…


their in france?

OMFG. end yourself fucking noob.

on topic, the movie looks good…


are you talking to me?

they’re = they are
their = they posess
there = not here but _____

I do believe that was what he was refering to

leave him alone, no ones perfect.

OT: I’ll watch it when it comes to TBS or TNT, both movies were garbage IMO

Does your dad own Salen hotdogs?

He owns more than that…

wah wah, leave him alone, no one’s perfect.

maybe so… but you fucks are dumb as shit. and it’s seriously sickening.

:slight_smile: do ya’ll understand the words that are comin’ outta my mouth!?!?! :slight_smile:


wah wah, leave him alone, no one’s perfect.

maybe so… but you fucks are dumb as shit. and it’s seriously sickening.

:slight_smile: do ya’ll understand the words that are comin’ outta my mouth!?!?! :slight_smile:


Never start a sentence with “and”. :picard:

never act like you’re smarter than someone when you’re not…? lol


Never start a sentence with “and”. :picard:



wah wah, leave him alone, no one’s perfect.

maybe so… but you fucks are dumb as shit. and it’s seriously sickening.


If you want to get technical last time I checked; and I’ll be the first to admit I’m a horrible speller, badazz should be spelled badass:ohyeah:

Edit: Please tell me what a “fuck” is in reference to “you fucks” If I am being called a “fuck” I would truly like to know your definition of a “fuck” used in that context

sorry for my typing if that is what pisses you off and yes my dad owns SAHLEN’S Hotdog’s, SAHLEN’S sports park. but let’s get back on topic.

saw it just now.
i like it, very funny.
not too much of a storyline tho


saw it just now.
i like it, very funny.
not too much of a storyline tho


It was pretty funny I thought…

anyone else seen this movie? im goin to see it tonight and i wanna know if its good or not

saw this movie last night.

fucking hilarious! right up there with the other 2 and they use lots of new jokes, not reuse old ones.

only complaint is that it ended kinda quickly and didn’t really finish how the other 2 movies did but def worth seeing.

it was really funny!