Ryan's 1993 Toyota Supra


this car kinda makes me wet.

Bunch of us went out for a cruise Sat…Ryan came along…I think I came a little when he was in front of me on 87, on the way back from Toga and he opened her up a bit :slight_smile:

I didn’t want the 4inch, I’m REALLY happy how it came out with the new exhaust and cam. I need to get some vids so I can hear it doing some flybys. It’s tame in the car until you get into it. :thumbup

Dude, where else was I supposed to open it up, you jackasses bring me on the same road as the ending of fast and the furious 3 when that dude wrecks his 350z :rofl

Sorry Ray, I saw a window of opportunity and had to take it :rofl

ty guys. :excited

Could have raced that STI packed full of retards that almost wrecked changing lanes in heavy traffic.

And that road would have been amazing if it wasn’t so fucking dirty! Elliot got some awesome pics of the bikes and cars by the way!

Where the F are they. That road was DIRTY. I washed my car today.

I just caught the rain on my way home from smokey bones

elliot i slow and lazy when it comes to pics and vids…ask jim about the snow drifting vides from 2 years ago


:hugthats Ryan’s fav movies of alll time

haha that road was nuckin futs!

thats ok…i let Brett do all the talking


New shots with rims from the other day, thanks Elliot for taking them:






great shots

Looks great bud!

I don’t think Elliot got any pics of my pile.