S13 Convertible with R32 tails and frontend

Looks good, better then Silvia conversion in my opinion.

Looks good because of quality workmanship that went into that. When something is done properly, it almost always looks good. JDM teg front end on s13/s14 would even look decent I bet LOL.

But ya this thing does look amazing! Definitely a rival for the silvia converion.

Edit: I bet it won’t look as good with the top up.

looks good but that wing…ugh

i’d do this conversion, looks better on the coupe then the silvia front-end which kinda reminds me of an old z24 cavalier. Plus the left pop up light on my coupe starts winking when i turn off the headlights O_o

Matt Im in love with your new avatar hahaha!

i got a fever…but this conversion, im guessing it not a bolt on sorta thing…?

check out these pix


the vert looks insanely good, but overall im in love with the black and blue datsun.

vert looks not bad at all, surprisingly. However, i hope none of you attempt that. I’ve seen a hatch with r32 tails and…


i seen a coupe with r32 tails in korean town in toronto, shit went sour later.
there is a guy that is part of the driftmania batter with a r33 front end on a s13 hatch. looks mean.

240z Front for the win

I don’t like the vert actually. There’s just something about how the front end is fit that looks wrong. The 240Z front is pure hotness though, and another one I really liked was the R33 converted S14.