S13 OEM Aero

I’m leaning towards selling the Aero pieces I have since I havent used them yet and probably wont…

Side Skirts “Black” $250

Rear Valance “Burgendy” $150

Might be willing to accept $350 for both if bought together etc…

Items are located in Kitchener for pickup only.

pm sent. please check your messages thanks.

WTF your selling this shyt after I give you the hook up? sheesh, I would have sold it myself and paid you cash %75 of what I sold it for.

damm you…

Seriously STFU. You want to talk about hook-ups? how about 2 motor swaps in MY garage i did for you. Storing YOUR shit in MY garage for over a year. Then YOU screwing me for 1/4 of the money you owed me. Did i ever say a word about it until now?

After all the favors jeff’s done for you thats how you treat him? Welding this and that, lending the shop to you among many many many other things.

You’re one piece of work.



hahahaha wow

#1 - I told you I wantd $250 and that you could either pay cash (which was prefered) or you could trade the skirts, you decided to trade the skirts giving me the impresion you didnt wanna spend any cash.

#2 - Since it seems you are that petty and Im not, I’ll give you a refund. Bring your S14 by the shop and I’ll cut out everything we did and you can have your skirts back.

If you seriously wanna fuck with me on this, or for some reason feel I’ve fucked you then no problem, but dont ever phone me looking for anything again if this is how "two sided’ our friendship is…


(P.S… even if your joking for some strange reason… I aint laughin)

a little off topic but, You were paid in full, when I took that windsheild.

also, what did you get for that S14 tranny that got “thrown out”?

how about you STFU and go make your car run. oh and G/L

Firstly you didnt pay me in full, i got tired of your bullshit. 16 months to pay me the money you owed me, i cut my losses.

You got a problem about the transmission, take it up with my old man, like i told you. He’ll set your ass straight.

As for my car running. It does. Always has. Thats what happens when you have money.

Funny thing, the 2 guys who would have, and always have helped your stupid ass out in a jam, won’t do a thing for you anymore.

So good luck, yourself.

Good call on the drama lama. Sorry ya’ll had to read this.

yeah I did, paid in full when I picked up that windsheild… why would you sell me a windsheild when there was other monies owing? because there were no other monies owing.

take you pills and chill out man,

I guess I’ll see your car @ Bings…

and sorry I didn’t sell you the 5-lug for $200 reasons explained.


oh i’m sorry, i didnt insure my car, because i dont live in that shit hole kitchener and the TTC is 95% cheaper. But sure come by anytime you want, i’ll show you how well the car runs.

As for 5 lug, i picked up a set for the same deal i proposed to you from someone else.

Again, i cut my losses on your ass.

If you have anything else to say, come find me on ziptied.

Edit: I’d like to see some sort of resolution in this but easy on the language.

-1 for being unfair, that’s like you telling him to come find you in a cave in afghanistan.

One thats blocked off at that.

are you going to vouch for me? I’m almost 1/2 the hardparker you are…

grabs popcorn

wow, u guys must be on some kind of glue , darian os the only guy out of everybody bitching here that i will even order parts for , he’s the only one that come through on his word , between the fucking take backs, and the flakes u guys are fucking hypocrites , u wanna talk about honesty, ur bitching about darian taking some time to pay u back , at least he doesnt steal parts ,sell them and then blame it on his dad, or sell u junk and then say it worked fine before, or give u a fucking bumper for your car , then sell it and take it back , then bitch about some damage when u get the full amount u sold it for , z32 ebrake cables any one , s13/s14 intake manifolds maybe? how about $75 bucks worth of custom paint spray cans? did u see me ask you for money for that stuff?

and u cant bitch about him using your garage , u offered it up dude, and ya u helped him with one ka swap , but the sr? hardly dude , as i recall your little brother and i did about 75% of that swap , but im sure you dont see it that way

and incase u two are wondering why the fuck im sticking up for darian , the fucking guy has put almost all of my s14 together with the exeption of drivline and suspention flawlessly to factory spec for free in his spare time , the guys buys more parts form me than u could imagine and yes he pays in full before he takes the parts , he sell me alot of parts , and they all work hint hint

but thats not all

S13GG dude , u traded him parts for work whether he put them on his car , or sells them they are his … STFU!!!

Jeff… i still am sitting on those energy suspention bushing u ordered last summer… available for pickup when u are ready ?
P.S. do u have that quote for the roll cage i asked for 2 years ago ?

all fucking homo’s have i burnt bridges in this post … i sure as fuck hope so ,

fucking hardparkers and wannabe’s see u at the christmas tree… oh wait i forgot u guys are drifters…

Once again… I NEVER ASKED YOU TO ORDER ME A BUSHING KIT. You ordered one for Darian that he didnt want no more and you were then crying the blues because he didnt want it, so I said “in about a week, I should have some spare cash, if or when I do, I will glady take it from”. Then you either kept it for yourself or got rid of it and ordered me on out of kidness “which I appreicate, but like I original said, I never ASKED for it to be ordered”

Then, when I was willing to take Darian’s and he told me cost was $155 “or close” you then decided that price didnt apply to me and I had to add a % “for you” plus GST… then after that it turned into $200 even if I picked up that same night you called me…

As for the Cage, I believe I told you in the $800 area for a full 6pt or $400 for a 4pt and I also believe that wasnt good enough for you and you wanted a “better deal” well I hate to be rude and I hate to sound like an asshole but I dont have time to nickle and dime with people and Im busy enough as it is that I dont need to be making roll cages in order to get work so I’d rather not do them for next to nothing and keep our steady customers happy since their the ones who pay the bills in the long run.

I think you also forgot the fact that you dont even have a 240 with a running engine in it so either way, you aint gonna see us @ the tree or @ the track etc until you have a running vehicle worthy of racing.

A mod can go a head and lock up this thread since it obviously aint going no where and probably wont…