I’m just looking for some clarification here because I’m a little bit confused. I’ve seen many many many posts saying that the temp gauge in s13 (maybe s14 too) has only 3 stages, cold, warm, and BOOM.
Well for the first time i actually started paying attention and this theory is a crock of shit as far as I’m concerned.
Holding a PowerFC commander in my hand while riding shotgun in Dustin’s car I noticed that if the temp on the commander goes up even 1 or 2 degrees the needle moves. Also, dustin can guess within a few degrees what the commander says just by looking at the gauge even though it’s not numbered. We were driving on a cold night last week and the faster we went, the lower the temp went and naturally the gauge went down slowly as well.
Someone clarify this for me, I have a hard time believing that either 1) all of you are morons or 2) dustin has a magical gauge.
i’m not willing to take either of those possibilities as truth so whats the deal?!
Mine seems to always do that. I have not stat so it takes a long time to heat up in this cold but it is not like the guage just shoots from the bottom to the middle. It take its slow as time as it heats up and moves in a full smooth range
I can tell you that I’ve been comparing the gauges in both my cars and in my coupe the gauge consistently stays lower than in the hatch.
The hatch is right at half way, the coupe is slightly below. So I dunno if it’s just an issue of bad calibration or if really the gauge is more accurate than anyone gives it credit for.
My gauge goes to a little bit over half way and sits there until I turn the car off, I could be cruising on a cold night or driving the shit out of the car on a hot summer day, it always stays at that exact point once the negine is warmed up.
My gauge fluctuates according to driving conditions. On the very very hot summer day’s the needle was at least 1/2 cm higher then normal.
I watched the temp gauge Saturday morning and could tell when the thermostat opened. The needle rose just over the first letter (thermostat opened) dropped halfway and started to climb in very small increments.