sabres games 2-7

^^^^^^^ yay for adelphia doing the right thing for once

HUGE :tup: for that!

FUCKING WORD!!! They must have read my previous post about them :slight_smile:

hotTt DAMN!!!

that’s awesome

everyone can thank me later :smiley:


My boss is happy because I just stopped him from purchasing OLN.

fucking sweet! just got the e-mail! :tup:

Be sure to turn down your TV, and turn up your radio as we will sync our feed with OLN’s coverage.

YAY!! no more delay!!

YAY!! no more retarded play by plays and color comm!!!


everyone is all “hooray, sweet, yay”

but adelphia just FUCKED OVER everyone who bought OLN, what a rip…im glad i just go to the bar to watch the games…

wish dish would do this

oln is on dish i thought, i know they are on DTV, free of charge of course.

yeah, I’d be looking for some kind of a refund or whatever man. didn’t even think about everybody that did get OLN. :frowning:

I’d rather not watch the game at all than to see it on OLN. what are you guys? nuts?

*I mean for the OLN commentators. RJ FTW

i shure hope they sink it with OLN’s feed. last time there were like 2.5 sec off form oln.

and does this mean that RJ will be on this channel 71?

i get oln but id rather watch RJ on TV

will i be able to get this channel? i went to look & 71 does not exsist. so maybe this channel wont be activated until that day?

Will that work for those of us with dishes? Last time I tried it Rick and Jim were in the future :biglol:

thank god :tup: i was bout to kill someone when i read cbc wasn’t gonna be showing them

Oh I’m so happy…

Wait… I don’t get OLN because I don’t have the premium channel package wih Dish Network, and they have no intention of doing this for their customers.
