Sabres Party in the Plaza going booze free


League said no



Buffalo never ceases to amaze me.

If there is a will, there is a way…to drink.


League said no


Which league? If the Bison’s, I can understand that. It looks bad when more people show up to watch a televised Sabres game than what show up for your live Bison’s game.





Bettman is just pissed the NHL couldn’t sell out the playoff games in Detroit and New Jersey last night.

Seriously though, this makes no sense. It’s not like the Dunn Tire event is stealing people away from HSBC since HSBC is sold out. :bloated:

anyone downtown hit me up in the plaza tonight…i say we get a huuuuuuuuuuuge gathering and pool our beers all night :slight_smile:

Sean call my cell when you get here :slight_smile:

im still not sure what im doing yet.

id like to go…but it all depends on the weather

what time does the band start? i know the guitar player and he was bugging me to come down yet neglected to give a starting time…

me and carless are considering going. anyone going give one of us a call.
carless: 445-8688

i want to go so bad but im working

I would be totally against this if it weren’t for the assclowns breaking bottles on the patio area during game five. If people were just 1% smarter we’d be able to drink.

Someone come down here!