Sad day... unions killed the Twinkie

I hope this starts a trend. I really hope this happens to more companies until unions start taking a friggen clue.

You cant have a sustainable business, industry, or even economy when the masses are compensated on simply showing up, and not the value they add to said entity. Theres millions of qualified people looking for jobs who would be glad to teach in schools, assemble cars, patrol the streets, or even stuff a fried fucking stick with some cream, who would be happy to do it at a fraction of the cost and double the quality if they only had the chance.

Unions werent intended to be this way. How the fuck did we get to this place where people expect things guaranteed to them without any sort of incentive to perform. Its sickening really.

I also havent had a Hostess product in years, I will not be losing sleep.

Good thing mine are in the freezer. Only way to really enjoy a Twinkie. Too valuable to eat now. Let’s go to Alaska to mine for frozen Twinkies. Nice going organized labor. When will they ever get it?

Really? You report my posts in other threads and try to throw in lame digs?

My wife isn’t a muffin top however :lol:

Twinkies only have a shelf life of like 3 months lol

And this sucks. I keep telling people how unions are killing the US and they get so mad at me.

this is offtopic my friend. lol

Probably because you interrupt their mandatory 3 hour break.

Where do you guys find this shit?

Sad day because the company really was in bankruptcy and the unions wouldn’t share in the sacrifice to keep it alive. Cases like this make all unions look bad even though most of the time they’re trying to fight companies trying to make employees sacrifice so that they can make bigger profits, not because they are actually having issues.

In this case, everyone at work has been talking about “life’s little twinkie gauge” from Zombieland so I tossed that in google hoping for some kind of picture and found that shirt. Print, pin on door at office, win.


Nevar Forget!

And so close to Veterans Day. Another fallen American hero.

Epic lulz, FRY wins again!

Thanks, now you have to move this to Politisuck. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think private banking is killing the US, nothing federal about the federal reserve.

Also the unions only gave pay raises while they were making money and could afford it, I do think its silly for some jobs to get paid so much but I do think labor unions are important. In the 20’s people would have to work 80hr weeks and some people would die at work from unsafe working conditions. The unions helped protect workers in dangerous working conditions.

Unions pre dated labor laws and they’re no longer useful…

It’s shit like GM people getting paid $30-40 an hour to push a button on an assembly line.

I know that’s what I don’t agree with, but I do believe some labor unions are good.

Back to work (slave labor) I go. Ill have to read this when I have time.


Taking safety off the table

My personal experience with this is Verizon is union and Timewarner isn’t I know the verizon guys get paid wayyy to much and don’t get shit done :lol:

A few years ago when Verizon was having labor/union issues their guys were cutting lines :tup:


Why are other companies successful without Unions.

Oh, the union stories I have from personal and family experiences. 8/

I think if you have a skilled trade you should get paid for the knowledge and skills you use, but I don’t know all the aspects of all the skilled trade unions and maybe there are some that have some rediculous wages.

Remember the skilled trades have apprenticeship programs(5yr), you learn the ins and out of the trade. Why pay someone more for the same trade union vs non union? Well some people can get the big jobs done correctly without errors or other problems. If you have a skill other people don’t have you don’t just work for free.