Sad songs

Rainy day… feeling like listening to some sad songs

Here’s some that I know

  1. Immortal Technique- You Never Know

  2. Immortal Technique- Dance With the Devil

  3. Box Car Racer- Elevator (sung as a person jumping from the WTC on 9/11, then an observer)

  4. Flipsyde- Happy Birthday (saddest song I know/have heard)

Input appreciated

did you and your man break up?

the smiths- there is a light that never goes out

Always gets me.


I always shed a tear when I listen…

dammmitt i was just looking for the video hahah

heres my contribution.

I was going to come in here and call you an emo bitch, but then I reminded myself of the original “emo” elliot smith:


^ :lmao