Hope they torture the fuck a few years…Very good Christmas gift for alot :smiley:


I just read that on Yahoo! news!. Thats awsome… good for him, they should kill him slowly and televise it!

Originally posted by ToMeGuN
Hope they torture the fuck a few years…Very good Christmas gift for alot :smiley:


Originally posted by Pewterss

:rolleyes: :bigok:

thats awesome… they should shove pineapples up his ass like they do to hitler in the movie Little Nicky. :eek3:

the bad pasrt about it …he will get treated better than some of the guys in the army…he is getting medical treatment now…fucker kill him…why do we have to be the good guys…i say Torture

Next he will be living in NYC @ a penthouse suite…:rolleyes:

he can be michael jacksons cell mate

just kill the fucker

make him live with QUIK!!!:eek:


Originally posted by Pewterss
make him live with QUIK!!!:eek:
Im sorry but that would be wrong. Saddam doesnt deserve that.

i heard they are going to put some truth syrum in him :slight_smile: sweeeeeeeeeet

I never thought waking up to Tom B would ever bee so great! Thank God they got that idiot. I am so proud to be an AMERICAN!

Semper Fi to all my fellow Marines! I salute all of our troops!


Originally posted by Steel City
I never thought waking up to Tom B would ever bee so great! Thank God they got that idiot. I am so proud to be an AMERICAN!

Semper Fi to all my fellow Marines! I salute all of our troops!


Iron City = piss

Originally posted by Darkstar
Iron City = piss


iron city is nasty. but glad to see he was caught.

we should shove a pineapple up his ass like they did to hitler in Little Nickey

Originally posted by Steel City

i prefer “refined”

Originally posted by Darkstar
i prefer “refined”

or “metrosexual”