Safety For Cash

Hey son! I need a safety for cash any suggestions? If you need someone to confirm my identity ask the site owner of take it to the track. I met him at DMCC while checking out the ladies!!

i need a safety for cash?

in english

do you mean you need a fake safety? because im pretty sure most places that do safeties take cash

130 bucks.

i would be interested in a “safety” too.

humm that willl be 130 bucks. pm me for details…

im looking for an “e-test” if anyone wants to trade there “safty” for my “e-test” id be interested

omg shawn lmao

=D do you need one matt? i thought that pile was already saftyed but it wont pass i know that hahahaha btw whats going on with that black hatch?? i got a space waiting for you and that coupe…

Here’s a thought…why not make your car safe instead. A safety is like lights, glass, brakes and tires. Why would you not want to get those things fixed and get a hot safety?

^ yeah really the one I would try to get around is an etest and thats only if I were running something modified that runs brutal…

i blindly (read: moronically) bought a car for 3000 that is a complete write off, i had to get it “safetied” beacuse it was going to cost 30 hours in body work to fix it. everything was hidden with fiberglass and black paint.

nobody here can tell me if they [accidentally] wasted 3000 on a piece of shit that they would suck it up and spend another ~$2000 on repairs to get it to pass safety.

however, i did spend $950 to get it to pass e-test.

not really an appriopriate topic for one of our public sections, is it?


responses should be kept to PM, come on guys, way to help bait out the 240 community, S13 with fake safteys flying around…

:rolleyes:fake safeties what are yall talking about??:rolleyes:

I agree, not really the place for this kinda conversation, is it?

Did it ACTUALLY pass this time? I talked to rob and he said it didn’t. (2 days ago, mind you.)

wow 130 bucks a bit over priced dont you think. i always pay around 40 bucks. etests go for like 150-200

i blindly bought a 240 for 2500 from a guy in oakville. next i see him hes gettin his ass kicked. he said saftied and etest. etest is good. frame is fucked and alot of hidden rust under undercoating… i hate him with a passion…

where do you live fastback 240 i live in peterborough so i cant take it far to get saftied would you come and do it for 150or so?

Pm moi.

yeah wtf…

at least be discreet about it.