Saint Motorsport Engineering @ European Performance Labs

Going to be a clusterfack as usual getting it together on time. I just found out I’m away for work the week before Mid-O…and the car will still need a weeks worth of little details. FML.

has it ever been together ‘on time’? better yet, is a track car ever totally 'together? :slight_smile:

This same trip to Mid-O last year was a disaster (and huge waste of money) because I didnt leave myself enough time to troubleshoot. Now I’m going to VIR 2 days after I get home from Mid-O.

Every other event my ish is ready to rock days in advance. These winter projects just end up taking a long time. I’m just now wrapping up interior work that I wanted done in Jan and it still has to go back to Adam’s to get the drivetrain put back in. Starting to stress about April…

yeah, with such a tight window between events its crucial to have everything tip top heading into MORP. best wishes kind sir

:frowning: We’ll look into this when the time comes. Don’t ax it yet.

It’s always a never ending battle with this winter season crap. Just when you think you’re ready, more shit pops up. Jay’s car is a prime example of that for certain. Jay got sick of me calling him for must needed things and just dropped his credit card with me. You never realize how many little crap items you need.

I’m going to be all over your car like white on rice once it get’s here. I’ll focus on the major shiz getting done first and work on subsidiaries after, always makes my mind more at ease with the work load. My wife isn’t liking me right now with all the hours I’m pulling on Jays car, and it’s not going to be any better with yours that’s for certain but I will get these done. Getting to EPL is a not a big issue to me. If you’re not around we’ll just work out something for you to leave some cash for fuel and I’ll get the car down there and situated. I’ve got money permanetnly tied up into your car now…it’s not missing Mid-O!! :slight_smile:

I’m not worried about your timeline, I’m worried about my schedule not giving me enough time to get my long list of extra stuff done after I get it back from you.

I might not be able to get away for EPL trip, work has been nuts. Depends tho. If not, I’ll leave you the truck with a full tank.

sounds good to me

BTW…did Jay tell you what BW told him to do with that damaged wing? :eek :wierd

Fix it?

Text retracted as original story has been recovered, and as per good business with J Clay in the past :slight_smile:

Text retracted as original story has been recovered, and as per good business with J Clay in the past

+1 for seth and pulling parts off his own vehicles to make mine function normally !! street tune ftmfw…

side note, adam, you have a spare IACV lying around? I think thats the culprit

Did you ever find out the details on your built block?
I have some extra parts laying around if you need them.

Nothing much was discovered except for the fact that we are sure it isn’t stock

Yea if you’ve got an iacv laying around hit me up. I def think I need to replace it

haha yeah that was fun.

Jason I don’t think I do, sorry.

Looks like I won’t be tuning my nitrous at Moon…

adam, PMs!

Didn’t I respond to all your messages already :slight_smile:

nope, I sent a reply on the 17th and another on at the 18th :smiley:

Matt, Paint, Tomorrow?