Sales Tax On Private Buy

Vehicle sale $12500. Tax is $1000. Loan is $13500. If DMV bitches about $80 they lost, play dumb and tell them the car was $12500, so you did the math and requested $1000 from the bank in adition to make it nothing out of pocket.

This sounds like a call ill be getting from an office haha…

guy in my office just said it wouldnt work? da faq

FAILING ALL OVER HERE!!! Reg in state with no tax, transfer to ny?


Because you are asking advice on how to break the law. With a lien it is very hard to scam the system. If it was cash and you got a bill of sale showing you paid significanly less then you may be able to get by. But even then the DMV may try to question it and try to charge sales tax on “fair market value” which is bulkshit because you could be buying a car with a blown motor or something needing lots of work that would be no where near worth fair market value in the real world.

:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

what a dummy

thats what i was going to say, that i paid like 12000$ and it needs some work.

Did any one ask what the loan was. If it was an unsecured personal loan WTF do they know you were using it for.

If its a car loan then you are clearly fucked

yeah i asked her but not on here. its an auto. if it was personal, no lien and its just a cashed check to give to seller, dmv and PepBoys for some new wissssseltipz n shit!

Out of the box thinking!! But they’ve got that covered. Typically, if you transfer from a no-tax state to a tax state in a year or less, you will be responsible for the full tax.

/\ figured as much!

Unfortunatly my car lost 90% of its value when it entered this shit hold state, so dont expect alot of taxable value on that paper work!

this is a chick?

makes sense now!

He’s a hundred percent right. I work for Sales Tax for NYS and they will look for that as well as KBB the car to see its value. Even if you were to hand off your old car to a family member and use an DTF-802 that way you don’t have to pay tax on the car itself…you still need to pay the kbb value when you register it. I get at least ten calls a day about it.

Woah. I probably transfer calls from my unit to you!

i wont give you the response you are lookin for with this comment. Im use to it. no fucks given =)

Are you in personal income? lol

No I’m in operations for DMV but county offices can make a call to us toll free so they use it as a loophole to get to sales tax without having to dial long distance :rofl

/\ hahahahah typical NYS bullshit right there!


Yeah I heard some IT bros saying that we lose Microsoft support for whatever old ass windows were running on now pretty soon. This true?

hahahaha I’m not surprised!