Sarah Palin...

…is not what this thread is about.

But the Somali pirates that seized the Ukrainian ship full of tanks still have it, even though the sailors tried to fight back. I don’t blame them. I wouldn’t be able to stand being held captive for 10+ weeks by pirates. I can’t believe an international coalition hasn’t bitch slapped these pirates yet.

THIS…is why we cant have nice things. PARODY THREADS FTW!

That article is super unsatisfying. Jerkass pirates take control of a ship and the naval forces “aren’t allowed” to board it and kick ass?

Snipe those fuckers! Also, pirate strongholds, hahaha

thin mints

that sarah palin porno was pretty cool

Negative. I thought it was meh at best.

I just don’t understand how they can hold hostages for over 2 months without anyone at all stepping in. WTF. Apparently there is not enough oil on the ship for the US to get involved, so how about some other friendlies?

Thats fucking bullshit that we can stop a dictator and invade countries but NATO or other Navies cannot stop pirates… seriously, they know where the stuff is held so bombing the shit out of them would shut down such an operation…

Kansas city shuffle.

well i thought sarah palin was hot, the other girls sucked

would this be an international effort because of the sea’s or would it be ukrainian because it is their boat?

“weapons of mass distruction” taken by pirates and they cant board the boat!

IIRC the US navy has several ships guarding it, along with UK & Russia, making sure that those tanks don’t go to Al Qaeda. Although there is speculation that they were headed to Sudan, not Kenya. :tinfoilhat:

Either way, why not stop this now if you have the abililty, it wouldn’t create an international incident, as pirates aren’t affiliated with a government, supposedly.

It’s like swatting flies.

:word: We’re just opting for non-involvement. It seems like we’re only keeping an eye on the MV Faina because it could affect our security. I’d much prefer to see the Navy start blowing up pirate mother ships.

for real i’m sure they aren’t sailing around on armored war ships and even if they were one sub could probably take them all out.

Fuck the subs. We send Navy pilots up for training flights all the time. I’m sure those guys would love some bombing “practice”.

Plus, it’s been a while since I’ve seen some good bomb cam footage on CNN. If possible, please drop 2 bombs about 30 seconds apart so the camera in bomb #2 catches the money shot. :slight_smile:


This is why they should just shell out the cash and mount some 50 cal MA2 Machine guns on these fucking things and guess what…this wont happen!!!