Saratoga County Teen killed in late night crash

Another reason I agree with raising the license age



not an other one. my god. RIP.

heard on the news this morning that the driver got six tickets.

i wouldnt mind seeing a law people under 20 or so arnt allowed passengers or something. something needs to change before innocent passengers continue to die.

Good, I was quit surprised to see that he was passing on a double yellow. He was either showing off or just flying up on the truck around a turn, either way no good reason to pass there.

Junior license tries to accomplish what you are talking about.

With Your Junior Learner Permit

You may drive:

Between the hours of 5 AM and 9 PM only under the direct supervision of a person who is at least age 21 and has a license valid for driving the vehicle you are driving.
Between the hours of 9 PM and 5 AM only under the direct supervision of:

Your parent, guardian, or a person “in loco parentis,” or
A driver education teacher, or a driving school instructor.
The person who supervises your driving must be at least age 21 and have a license valid for the vehicle you are driving.
The only passenger allowed in the front seat is your supervising driver.
With no more than one passenger under age 21 unless the passengers are members of your immediate family.

You can have more than one passenger under age 21 if your supervising driver is your licensed parent, guardian, person “in loco parentis,” driver education teacher or driving school instructor.
Only when you and every passenger wears a seat belt, one seat belt per person. All children under age four must ride in federally-approved child safety seats.

If the child is more than 40 pounds in weight, they must use a proper child restraint system such as a booster seat.
Until their 8th birthday children must use a proper child restraint system.
Children more than four feet nine inches tall are allowed to use a seat belt and shoulder harness.

You may not drive:

At any time on any street within a park in New York City, or any bridge or tunnel under the jurisdiction of the Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority.

At any time without a proper supervising driver or in violation of the above restrictions.

Tickets included: Reckless Driving, Driving without a License, Crossing double yellow line, as well as speeding are 4 of them.
The father who owned the truck was cited for allowing his son to drive his vehicle without a license.
Still very very saddening to see a young, truly great life, taken so abrubtly and tragically.

My girlfriend knows the guy who was an EMT. She said its rather Ironic because he always used to talk about some of the awful car accidents he had seen from his working as an EMT.

You would think that might wisen someone up to doing something stupid

I know a handful of local kids who were really good friends with this girl. May she RIP.

Kid is getting charged with manslaughter , along with a few others seeing as he left out the fact he was racing the other vehicle

So much for raising the driving age…:dunno

I didnt want to bring that to light yet, but since it has been mentioned, my dad was at the gym and was talking to a cop who responded to it. He said he wont be surprised if it comes out that he knew the people in the Rav4 and they were horsing around passing each other. Its not confirmed yet, but that is what most likely seems to be the case. Like ive said in all my responses, its absolutely tragic to see a girl with great potential like this, have her life taken by somebody elses stupidity.

I am young, being only 18, but I fully agree with what has been said about either raising the age for a license or revamping the road test in a manner that makes it truly prove you are ready to be able to drive. It just blows my mind knowing how some kids I know can drive like complete assholes all the time, wreck cars 2-3 times a year, and never end up in a situation like this, yet you get a situation where somebody innocent is in a vehicle where the driver is fucking around and they lose their life. All i know is seeing shit like this really makes me rethink the way I drive, Ive never been one to really drive like an asshole, but I have my moments, and seeing things like this really makes me a lot more cautious with how I drive, especially with others in the car with me.

well said, that’s a respectfully composed reply. If more people thought that way things will get better and safer. When i lost my good friend to a snowmobile accident, I find myself thinking about him when I throw a leg over a sled, bike, dirtbike, atv, or any powersport machine. It alleviates alot of stress in my life I guess when in my head I can be greatfull for the life lesson he gave me, even though its the absolute worst way to be taught it (loosing a friend).

While I agree with mostly everything said…

So much for raising the driving age…:dunno[/quote]

People have to take responsibility for their own actions and you can’t fix stupid.

Did the girl knew the driver had no license?

Did the girl object to his driving behavior in the past and still get into the car with him?

Making a driving test harder will do nothing for people who drive without one anyway such as the case here.

Those are good questions that you pose, and for what we all know here, we will never have an answer most likely. I do agree on the last statement as well, the modification of the road test would only go so far. Youre still going to have your idiots who drive without one, or still drive recklessly in poor situations(Im not condemning anybody with that statement, as I, as well as 99% of the people out there have driven recklessly at one time or another). Its just a measure to maybe make it a little more of a test to prove driver ability, especially in handling situations and what not. Its never going to 100% solve the problem, and my thoughts may not be the way to do it, but In the end somebody will come around with something that will help to reduce the issues. I guess only time will tell

Kudos to you for not sitting on a high horse realizing that most of the enthusiasts break the rules, quite occasionally.

The problem is, everybody can break a rule but few can be “mature” about it.

There is a large difference between reckless speeding in rush hour traffic and passing on median etc VS being alone in a back country road at night for a pleasure cruise. Drag racing in the middle of the city VS empty highways at night.

Unfortunately in this case, attempting a pass on a double yellow is not a “mature” way about it.

This is at least the third High School aged death in the area related to a speed related pass on a double yellow I can remember in the last 6 years.

Technically this was an issue here as well.

Heard the guy doesn’t have a license and was driving his father truck

You are correct. No license and the truck being titled in his fathers name as well as registered resulted in the father also receiving a charge for allowing his un-licensed son to drive his truck.

Lets back up a bit here.

Ask your self why you choose not to do stupid, illegal, dangerous things?

Well one reason for me its the FEAR of getting caught, and the repercussions I MIGHT face in the aftermath that might distroy my life, my familys, friends or total strangers.

So why do many young kids constantly push the envelope like this? A BIG part of it is the lack of punishment if and when something goes wrong. Perfect example is the trash backing that mustang kid who killed his friend and crippled his friends sister. They all are brainwashed into thinking he did nothing wrong, it was all just an everyday accident and he doesnt deserve to be punished. And worse, they think he will just walk away without penality! That right there BLOWS my mind. I dont go out as much as I once did, for fear of fights from defending my wife or loved ones from trash, and me getting arrested. MINOR offenses. Yet these people KILLED someone and think no penalty should come from it.

FEAR keeps many people from attempting the dumb fucking actions they just thought about. Hell I know someone who hasnt had a license for years, drives more than I do every year, like a mad man actually, and some how, some way gets away without arrest when he gets pulled over. Its insane.

No matter how strict you make the laws, it won’t really help in the end. It’s going to take major events like this to hopefully change one person’s mindset at a time. Hate to say it but it’s probably not only the drivers fault in this Saratoga crash, but partially the girl’s fault as well. Too many young kids take risks by putting themselves in other people’s hands and not comprehending what could happen. Honestly I do not see people changing for the better in the near future, it’s going to take a MAJOR horrific situation to really change the new and current generation’s view on life and how precious it is.

IMO it starts with the parenting. I never got in trouble as a kid not because of fear of the law, but fear of getting in trouble with my father. And no, I was never spanked, hit, grounded, nothing… Never needed to… And my son is the same way towards me.