Saturday 1-27-07 Winter Meet @ PM:P

Whew, great time, I just got home a few minutes ago. I dont even know where to begin, thanks to everyone who has given us a hand over the past few weeks. It seemed like half of the people there tonight has had a paint brush, drill or broom in there hands at some point over the last month, and we appreciate it. I never counted, but it was even more crowded than those pics suggest. Fam & friends, girlfriends & wives, neighbors and even a crew from Rochester made the drive down. Good to see everyone come out of hibernation for a day!

Joel, I’ll pass along the props for grillin’ to my dad, I cant imagine having to cook all that food without him.

Don, better luck next time about the junk. And it was great to see a number of other local shops come down, it seems like there is quite a bit we can offer to each other.

Hope everyone had a great time, sorry if I missed anyone as I was walking around. We have so much food left and I still have a video to edit, I guess there will have to be a round 2 once we knock out all the work thats lined up!