Saturday 1-27-07 Winter Meet @ PM:P

I’ve definately got to come check out the shop.

I’ve heard many things about the magic that Paul can do.

:tup: :tup: :tup: :tup:

i would never show up to this…

me neither. ugh… and to think…

Last year was great.


okay i lied and i am so bringing the t/a…inside.

Cool, we can sit of the roof and watch the video. We can lay out the food on the hood. We won’t need a table then! Great idea pattycake!

im bringing el turbo ellis jaun too bitchez… :snky:

Would that be by itself, or w/the rest of the parts to the car? :lolsign:

i expect to do the same

mr marvin…im taking the rolling car over so everyone can block it…and clean up the bottom, all the suspension parts, a arms, calipers, etc etc, so its ready for paint… hehehe

omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg i got so much work to do…someone just put me outa my misery…give me $40k… plz? :slight_smile:

Is the shop open now?

Either way, I’ll be there! Bringn a few peeps with me.

I freakin hate Painting!!! and thats the least of it…we still have to run 220 for the lifts, 3-phase for the big compressor, hard airlines for the tire machine and drop reels, and plenty of other shit.
jeeves, stop over and USE a paint brush, it’s got your name on it :slight_smile:

You know how many times i’ve told Mark i like painting and that i would be more then willing to help paint the whole place, just let me know when. He’s never once told me when you guys were painting or i would have showed up in shitty clothes and spent the whole day painting. So go bitch at him :lol:

And hey, i was doing some touch up work while you were pulling wires down. And you know how much touch up work there is when mark is painting. :lol:

been hearing about the shop. ill def be up to check it out

Paul, Jeeves ‘had his hand out’ so I gave him a brush and USED him to paint the window frame, but he bailed before the 2nd coat had to go on. But we are painting the office and engine room today, so stop on down Jeeves.

We’ve had some friends and customers come down to see it already, but its still under construction. We added painter, plumber, carpenter and electricitan to our job description this month. But people are always welcome to stop down, and we plan on having everything sorted out by the end of the month.

It took a while, but it sounds like you guys finally found a good location so you can get this show on the road. I’m sure you’ve made a lot of fbody owners very happy. :slight_smile:

I’ll be out of state tuning cars the weekend of the 27th, but sometime I’ll have to stop by and check out the new spot. You’re right down the street!

Congrats and good luck guys!


I have been hearing about this. Awesome guys. I’m gonna stop down and see the place.

I could stop down with today and give you a hand painting if you would like. Also I can bring over my friend Rich to look at that 3 phase for you. LMK

Jeeves is stopping down to play with paint too, and Im sure ill convince Pat to come move the couchmaster 6500… so come down whenever, bring your friend Rich.

BiiiiiiG :tup:

if you guys need a hand painting lemme know i dont mind…

glad to see this is finally taking off. Ill be there

BTW Paul i have a picture to show you…Lets just say its a blast from your past. And mark ill bring My HD so u we can swap some vids