Saturday 1-27-07 Winter Meet @ PM:P

aww crap! how much is this gonna cost me to keep it quiet? :slight_smile:

Thanks Rich, Justin & Jeeves for the paint and wiring help today. Good to see Carnut and Gary stop down, and Pauly is da MAN :tup: :beer2:

If you guys ever move to a new shop, please make sure the walls dont eat paint

:word:,again, thanks for the help guys, and :tup: to Pauly for da hookup.

Hey no problem anything for fellow F-bod peeps (even if yer into the wrong gen-LOL)

pics of shop?? i’ve been past there twice, both times no one was there … .0#$()$**!@@

maybe ill stop by and meet some people…

Good times, good luck to you gentlemen.

call first? :lol:

Definatly have the day off with the new schedule, so I should be up with the projector early on to get it setup.

Sweet :tup: ^

I’m bored are you guys down there workin on the building?

ok let me clarify that-- if bring bring down beers are you guys workin LOL

:lol: :beer2: as a matter of fact, we are headed down there and are thirsty

i’ll be there.


What time you guy plan on being there till? I might stop by later and see how much more paint the walls can soak up.

(RedConquestTSi speaking)
I’ll be there, after work. I get out at 9pm… Ya’ll will still be there right??

those fuckers are there til usually 2-3am

Did you ever conside some kind of sealant for that fancy paint eating wall? What kind of material is it.

Its this weird 1960s fiberous particle board with some kind of smooth laminat (sp?) on it. After a few coats its fine now.

But ya i mentioned the sealant/primer thing too because when we first started painting it, i couldnt tell if it was eating the paint, or not absorbing at all and just running and pooling on the wall.

Shop look good guys!

I’ll be there.