Here at work running on zero (0) hours of sleep, hoping it’s a slow day.
Who else is early to rise/not yet to bed?
Here at work running on zero (0) hours of sleep, hoping it’s a slow day.
Who else is early to rise/not yet to bed?
fuck man i just get up early … in bed at midnight FTW
Up for no reason.
got back from second job not too long ago
Up and at Work. Tonight I’m partying all night
Up and getting ready to take the Scirocco to the Billco show in Wexford…damn rain:(
This week dragged on. 3 days of work and 2 days of class.
today is beermotherfucking:30
Went to bed at 530 AM… up at 830 to take friend to work. Can’t go back to sleep now, and I gotta work from 12 - 7. Oh, today is gonna kick my ass.
In bed at 3:30am, back up at 6:30am…
ready for flashlights
just woke up 11:34 and my brain is stuck to the inside of me head… time for some Aquafina
god damnit
wanna go so bad but i gotta attend a wedding :blah:
work is halfway over, still alive, knock on wood.
just got up at noon…hungover from drinking the urine of beers…rolling rock
OUCH… Id rather drink piss…
good morning, bitches