Early Morning Check In 1/15/06

Argh, I couldn’t sleep at all tonite, got tired around 4am, figured it would be better to just stay up and get to work early.

So, I’m here. Who else is working on MLK day?

im still up laid off right now and cant sleep

I just saw on the news there was a shooting in McKeesport, then the guy apparently ran away and wrecked his car in Dravosburg, which is very close to my house. Dravosburg is the smallest town with its own zip code in the state, so to say that he was found somewhere small is an understatement.

Figures the one day im up ridiculously early. Argh

i was supposed to be at work at 6am but im still sitting here at 6:13am lol opps im late i better get going.

off to work i go… ill be at work in 6 minutes… and i think thats an awesome fact about dravosburg… their post office is the size of my basement. lol and my barber (SP?)is there…


checking in. battling with a mild case of insomnia lately. cant sleep for shit.

Got into my office around 6:45, having breakfast at my desk today…


Got off work at 6:30…Yayyy for 12 hour night shifts and crazy patients :rant:

Me too. Couldn’t get to sleep, felt kind of crappy. Half awake until 3 AM and alarm was set for 5:15. Feel fine now (except for being at work!)

i wish i was home… :frowning:

just woke up and no work today . thank you global warming for the rain. i usually get on here every morning around 530 but in the summer i get on at 400 before i go to work just to see whats going on.

Ahh yes, here at work 8:30 AM.

MLK = double time and 1/2, I guess I won’t complain too much.

MLK - I’m salary and non-gov’t/non-bank…so, no, I don’t get this one off :frowning:

But at least it ain’t snowing.

RMU…I think we are the only one’s in class today. 9am class sux

Id rather it be snowing

i have had insomnia since the wreck :frowning:

cool rain > snow ANYDAY. We will get our coldness soon enough and for long enough!

I am just sitting her chillen have today off