Early morning check in

Just dropped mr and mrs spangler off at the airport:eek4:
so guess i am up for the rest of day :ugh2:

Monday coffee. . . might need two today

I’m fuckin wide awake…just in time to go sit in traffic on 79


got an hour in a half in already!:finger2:

shower then off to work



Sitting at my desk and wondering WTF happened to the weekend…

here at my lovely job 1 hour early to get some work done. Fuck, I hate Monday’s. And I hate 10 Hour Monday’s even more.

10-NINER-FIVER Aeroking checking in, at my office, with the Sy nice and clean in the garage.

Sitting in my office, wonder where to start :dunno:

I just got back from a job interview with a photography company. I’m going to sleep cause I’m off today.

about to make my coffee, looks like it will be a good day

starting my 15 min of real work

just finished up my day of work. had to work 130-930am now its time for a little nap

Just woke up about 20 minutes ago…

haha suckersss

Eh…u beat me by like5 hours

but we all have jobs and don’t drive pink beretta’s, so we win. :smiley:

i’m not jealous of being lazy… i was that when i was a kid.

:gives: oh… and what 77redneck said.