Saturday Night: Downtown?

I’ll explain it to you. I asked hey does the camaro want to run the stock turbo evo I tuned, dan said ya, 20 roll was agreed, went to the tunnels, started at a 20 roll, counted down took off, the clutch on the evo locked out from 1st to 2nd ( act clutches are garbage for high revving they always lock out at anything over 7k) , so once it locked out we didn’t even rip it just cruised, 2nd run same shit happened, 3rd run went from a 40 roll ( evo starting in 2nd to avoid problem) , camaro jumped out hard by atleast a car, evo shifts 3rd gains all ground back side by side, evo hits 4th revs it out to only 7k maybe has a cunt hair if that on the camaro, evo shifts into 5th, camaro shut down, end of story if you want to say you won the first two races be my guest, but the last run and only actual race that evo was right there with you, so how can you claim you “mopped the floor” with it, fuck that I called you and said ok put all the bullshit people are saying aside run the cars in front of everyone so no one can say shit, whoever wins , wins end of story, you then tell me ok well I’ll call you when I’m coming up, it’s now 3:14am and
no call. Simple fact is when there was a clean run the evo is an evenly matched car for you, however people like to run there mouths to try and justify there thousands of dollar build.

so camaro won 2/3 . Sounds like a win. Its the street anything can happen.

You wanna talk about power band? Your running a cnc heads, cam, full exhaust, ported intake, camaro ( my guess should be around 450-500whp) vs a 395whp stock turbo evo, the 40 roll put us at like 3k maybe in 2nd gear? And you jumped wayy out off the start, and you never saw a fender? The evo shifted 3 times while you shifted once and if you ran that shit out into 5th I can almost guarentee it would have pulled passed you. There’s no reason to bullshit, you said why should I go out of my way to race a car I raced 4 times already? Cuz the only good clean run you got was a damn good race, my phone gets blown up saying your running your mouth about how you walked the evo, fuck that, run that shit in front of everyone all witnesses and it would have been video taped, so no bs at all, oh and I even offered to give you gas money for coming back out that way.

Mack your probably the instigator on all this so I don’t wanna hear shit about it’s the street anything can happen you don’t even race how would you know? I simply asked for one more clean run, no drama , put all bs aside and run the cars whoever wins wins, but now it’s blown up into pittspeed drama

jay wtf are you talking about. I never said shit to anyone. Kiss my ass

my fault you put a junk clutch in your car? ok, i’m sorry… should i install a better one for you then?

i gave you your 40 mph start, which put me NO WHERE near my powerband (I was at a blistering 2750 rpms at the start of that run). If you couldn’t pull on that, then maybe I’ll start in 6th gear next time. I came back to the stadiums, told everyone i think he missed a gear… 3 times in a row or something because i blew the doors off of it. then on the 4th run, I could never see a fender to my side, let alone one passing me, and they should ask my passenger how far back you were that time, because I had no clue. Now I hear that I supposedly said i mopped the floor with you and that I’m lying and that I actually lost?

I never recall seeing your fender pass me. My passenger never recalls seeing your fender passing me. The bike that was RIGHT NEXT TO US never saw you pass me, the blazer that was in front of us, said my headlights were in front.

I said I put lengths and lengths on you, but it was because I think you missed a shift. Unless you want to claim when you had your clutch issues that it was a close race?

You couldn’t even pull on me, with me starting at 2750 rpms. You wanted me to go out of my way to monroeville to do it AGAIN. I said I MIGHT, if my passenger didn’t mind and it wasn’t too late. By the time I left the stadiums, I did not feel like driving all the way out to monroeville just to do a race that you had the opportunity to do FOUR TIMES. Especially after I hear that I had lost, and that people were just being cry babies because their car isn’t acting right. My car still had a basic street tune in it and is running rich. I gave you your stupid 40 mph race. You don’t hear any broken hearted ricer excuses coming from me. A blue evo fender not once passed up a black camaro fender in any of the races. I don’t see how confusing that is?

Had you not been a sore loser, I was actually going to message you and see if you wanted to line them up again, with maybe a roll in between both our powerbands. But seeing how now the races are not in good fun, and people are actually getting butt hurt, making up stories, and talking garbage because they didn’t like the smell of my exhaust, I doubt you would see that happen. I don’t feel like hearing all the whimpering and crying after every race. You win then you win. You lose, then you lose. If it’s close, it’s close. Take the ricer excuses and the sore vagina elsewhere.


Roll racing is great, So many excuses, Never anyone can admit it’s JUST FUN !!!
I love roll racing, When excuses get tossed around then it’s all POOP !!!

i love it . Its fun as hell :slight_smile:

All fun and games till someone get’s butt hurt over FUN !

It’s like a Gang bang, All fun till some one touches balls.

yeah… i only shifted once… I’m on stock 3.45 gears with a 28.5" tall tire… my car needs gears… I know this…

Ok… I’m sorry… next time I will keep racing and continue to hit the fucking busa that’s in front of me, which has a bystander car directly in front of it.

Well maybe you should not listen to what people are telling you, and since you mysteriously got my number, you cuold of sent me a text saying “are you saying you walked the evo” because I would of been more than happy to correct what you heard.

and show me the text where you offered to give me gas money, never got that one… i guess another lie you conjured up. And it isn’t the fact of gas money, it’s the fact that I don’t want to waste my time.


I thought it was just a friendly race. I guess I was wrong. Some people actually have a point to prove with roll racing. I’m gonna stick with racing people I know from here on out. People are just too sensitive.

If this carries out that facebook crap.

I hate you all !

dude… you never added me on facebook… wts

shaggy has a facebook? Bs?

Larry king from CNN has a facebook. Tha’ts my cue too never join. :rofl:

Get back too this roll racing thing. New excuses make the world go round…

First of all i never once said that we won , I came back to the mile quik asked us about it I said it was a damn good race I wish we could have got it to work from a 20 roll. Secondly I was the one insulted when my phone got about 4-5 different people telling me your down the stadiums saying you walked the evo. That’s what pissed me off, I didn’t give a flying fuck about the race, I had fun and regardless of any opinion that evo did very well for the set up it has. Third you can keep your stupid witty comments to yourself, I told you I’d give you gas while I was talking to you on the phone, it wasn’t about being a sore loser it was about clearing the air, I was hearing shit you were hearing shit, and I cannot stand when people try and run there fucking mouths about a race when in reality it didn’t happen the way they explain. It is all in good fun, fuck I’m happy the evo did as well as it did, it’s the first time the car was actually raced against a quality competitor. My theory again , was to simply run another race and put all the shit talking aside( regardless of who said it because I can guarentee I
never told you , quik or anyone that we beat you) but I will say in my personal opinion is was an awesome race and the cars as they sit are well matched cars, and see what happens, win lose I don’t give a fuck it was a good time and one good run, it in no way needed to be blown out into the pittspeed dick measuring, comments for laughs, scenario that it is now. I’d actually prefer to see both cars at the track, lined up and ran balls out but that’s me

So now it was a good time, after I interjected roll racing is FUN :rofl:

Can i persuade you too buy the fort pitt bridge ?

$20,000 OBO

i would buy the fort pitt bridge for 20k and charge 10cents to cross it. I would be rich

It was always a good time, no problems of any sort i left the mile went to a bonfire, and as soon as I get there my phone going off like crazy, hence the drama, last week when quik asked if I knew anyone who might be a good run for the camaro after he raced the vette I said ya this evo should be a decent run, he came out tonight and they ran, fun ass time, good run, end of story, then before I know it I’m
back in highschool again hearing shit left and right.

In the middle have this fort pitt for sale :beer: