Saturday Night: Downtown?

I vote rematch at the B-R-A

Post timeslips for both cars or gtfo? lol.

Roll racing seems like srs business these days.

watch the for the line at the end of the video

im sorry, but i never ever recalled seeing a baby blue fender next to us, ever. not our fault that his car locked out of 2nd gear. if he knew it would happen over 7000, maybe short shift it in one of the 2389057234897234792876289560 runs you asked us to make that night. then you wanted to do a 40mph roll. that fucked us in the ass, sideways. out of the power band, and pointless for us to start in 1st. but as i recall that starting, ur buddy kinda pulled good at first, then once we hit say 4000, 4500 we started to pull away, and never ever saw ur fender. next to us, or slightly past us. idk what fantasy land your living in, but all 4 times, went to azn.

Evo is a high to mid 11 second car with a solid launch and getting the gears good. Run them at Prp or something

no shit run em at the track, just dont make 2384789 excuses when something goes wrong. its part of racing… and yes race them at the track, maybe u will try to convice urself that in front of everyone there that you beat em when it didnt happen.

Hey dumb fuck I never said that we beat him I said it was a good fucking race, you illiterate moron. Run them at the track, I didn’t make excuses for shit, I said the clutched locked out we didn’t run, so if you’d like to call that a win, be my guest

What you people aren’t realizing is , there was no hard feelings , no one pissed off, nothing at all , the driver of the evo was talking to quik and said ya I fucked up and over revved it. There was in noooooo way and problem about anything, all this shit talking was started due to hearing rumors in the hallway in between gym class and study hall. I’ll say it again it was a good time a fun race, if they want to let them run again, or like I suggested better yet run them at the track. I don’t know about the camaro , I know the evo with a good launch will do in between 11.8-11.4 around 116-118mph.

aw name calling, ur so big and bad, im almost scared.

we pulled past maybe a cunt hair on the camaro was what you said, so thats not a win then? and yes we will call that a win, a win is a win buddy, not my fault your buddys car was locking out. dont over rev it 3 times and and get locked out.

u said u were getting pissed about ur phone blowing up and all of this drama shit, now its no hard feelings and yada yada, make up ur mind, u won, u didnt win, u are mad u are not mad

Dam good thing i didnt come out with the neon… yins all be butthurt



it in no way needed to be blown out into the pittspeed dick measuring, comments for laughs, scenario that it is now.

its better this way for entertainment purposes :slight_smile:


:rofl: at it all