Saw an XBOX 360 yesterday.

I bought an N64 off eBay for like 60 bucks a few years back just for that game.
That $60 included Goldeneye.

greatest deal of your life.

We played that game like 36 hours straight… we have the nintendo on a fan to help cool it… we broke 2 controllers… and 3 of us had bloody blistered hands.

During highschool we would hit up my friends house everyday after school to play for hours.

WCW Wrestling

All were multiplayer gold.

WCW World Tour…

I played that with 3 of my brothers all the way accross the country in our conversion van.


Chairs and crowbars and garbage cans to the head… lifting people onto your shoulders… omg… I think I’m going to hook my N64 back up and play some of these.
I can’t wait to be Ultimo Dragon and put some people to sleep.


xbox 4 L

I bought WCW Revenge too. Still need to find a good deal on MarioKart so I can totally relive my highschool days.

i’ll own neither until the come down in price, i’m not gonna spend $500 a video game system :tdown:

Minglor, which game store do you work at? Just curious.

As for the whoooole debate, I’m sick of listening to it myself. Having worked for EB for 4+ years (up til this August), I’ve probably heard all the same arguments: 360>, PS3>, blah blah blah.

My overall thoughts… the PS3 will be better than the 360. HOWEVER, the difference between the 360 and the PS3 will not be as great as the difference between the Xbox and the PS2. So, with that 1+ year of time that Sony will have, they won’t have as much to show as MS did when the origianl Xbox was launched. Sony as a very bad habit of procrastination and squandering. The PS2 was supposed to have internet and the HDD within the first year of sales… it took them 2 years to get the adapter out and another year to launch the HDD. And by then, almost all the developers had lost interest and there was no support for it. And already, Sony has announced that the PS3 will not come with a HDD as they originally stated. I can only imagine what else will be trimmed to cut down on costs. My biggest problem with Sony is they’ve grown too big for their britches. For too long, they’ve been on top because of the Playstation (something that was origianlly a joint venture with Nintendo!). They’re simply riding out their popularity and expect everything to fall in line for them.

As for Microsoft (evil empire or not, I don’t care), the boys in charge of development for the 360 are doing things the right way. Granted, they may be rushing it to the market. They could hold off for 4 to 6 months and have HD/DVD or BluRay support, but how long did it take for the original DVD format to catch on and become viable? I personally think MS is doing the right thing. Not only are they getting their product out first, but to avoid pulling a Dreamcast, MS already has an impressive list of developers to support the system. And more than likely, as long as the initial launch goes well, the list of developers will grow very quickly.

The biggest mistake that Sony is making, and this is just another example of them being to big, is their lack of support for a unified online service. Granted, Live only had about a 30% rate compared to installed systems, but that is a hell of a lot more than Sony. And during my time at EB, I heard numerous complaints about playing PS2 games online. The only real complaint I heard about Live was that is was $50/year to play (after a good explination, most people stopped complaining). Sony needs to wake up and see that the market is changing and that they have to adapt to the market, not the other way around.

All in all… I know I’ll have both systems (and a Revolution) because I’m a HUGE NERD!!! I’ll just prefer the 360 more than likely because MS (at least the Xbox team) listens to the customers.

And Jack, I’ll be playing a 360 on launch date myself, except I’ll be in the comfort of my own home. :smiley:

I think Sony has learned its lesson with the success of Xbox Live and the lack of success for their online play.

As I stated in a different post about this same topic. Sony totally stopped support of online game play once they game out with the Network Adapter. Coincidentally, this seems to be around the same time they started to concentrate their efforts on PS3. I am confident that they will be able to put something together for PS3 that will rival Xbox Live. Time will tell though.

Sony didn’t learn!!! They’ve already officially announced they won’t have a unified online system. And Sony didn’t stop support, they never had it. Developers lost interest because it took so long for the online adapter to come out. There MIGHT have been more support is Sony had even the slightest hint of a unified system to allow gamers a little easier use instead of having to create a profile for EVERY game they wanted to play.

I personally doubt that Sony will even come close to anything like Live.
And if anyone wants prove that Sony officailly stated no unified support…

unfortunately I only used Live for Halo2… and it was fun…

I think with the 360… I will be on it earlier… and more familiar.

I recently got the Zelda collection for gamecube. So I get to play the best Zelda ever. Man that game was amazing when it came out…

…wait a sec how did we start talking about N64?

Try playing Brothers in Arms. Online squad based WWII combat is the shit.

I’m waiting to see teh PS3 to see what to get.

Have fun waiting

i don’t think it’s been said yet so:

Xbox 360 “Half the Price of PS3” by Late 2006

By Christian Svensson Print | Send to a friend | Email the editor

Merrill Lynch has released a new breakdown of next generation hardware component costs suggesting that Xbox 360 “could be selling at half the price of PS3 in the latter half of 2006.” Full stats breakdown inside…
The report puts a positive spin on Microsoft’s future with Xbox 360 versus Sony’s PS3. It includes estimated breakdown of hardware costs by component and shipping predictions. Particular emphasis on the manufacturing costs of each console has been paid in this report. Some of the highlights include:

“…The PS3 will not only be significantly more costly than Xbox 360 at launch, but will continue to operate at a cost disadvantage for several years. … We think that the Xbox 360 could be selling at half the price of PS3 in the latter half of 2006.”

“…Our analysis indicates that Microsoft has a significant advantage in terms of cost. Taking Sony’s weakened financial condition and Microsoft’s deep pockets into consideration, we conclude that Microsoft’s Xbox 360 should emerge as the early winner in the next round of the game console wars.”

“Competitive pricing [for Microsoft] could hurt margins for Microsoft in the near term, but we think that Microsoft has the potential to exit 2006 with an installed base of 10 million units, with all that implies for more profitable software sales for 2007.”

The report also states that ATI (GPU provider), Infineon (memory provider) and Marvel (licensed Microsoft to make an MMOG) could all benefit from an early lead on Xbox 360.

On the cost of goods side, Merrill Lynch believes that the Cell processor will initially cost $160 to make… more than the Xenon CPU which comes in at $100.

The graphics solutions will also be pricey. Both Nvidia’s RSX and ATI’s GPU will cost about $100 each. Price reductions over time will eventually get the parts to about $30.

Blu-Ray is also cited as an expensive solution for PS3. The cost of the drive is estimated to cost at least $75.

On the RAM side, Microsoft again is expected to have some advantage using GDDR3 given its availability on the open market. PS3’s XDR main memory is “not a product that has gained acceptance elsewhere”, implying some sort of additional risk or cost.

On the Hard Drive front, it predicts that PS3 will not have one included standard, but like Microsoft, it will be an add-on.

The report predicts that Microsoft will break even in year one of the 360’s release and that profits will come in year two. The report predicts that 2 million hardware units will be sold in 2005 with 7 million shipping in 2006.

A lot of the predictions made are based upon the assumption that Sony will not take a significant loss on the hardware (which it believes to be the case given Sony’s recent financial pressures). If Sony is willing to be aggressive on pricing with PS3, the report conceeds that many of these numbers are likely to change.

btw to anyone that’s interested in modding – blu-ray = the antichrist. no joke – games/movies that have the ability to EXPIRE!!! WTF crazy shit.

Oh I will. I’m not jumping onto a bandwagon just because it comes out first. Besides… no system is worth the prices that these things are coming out for.

They already have this. You can buy a movie at Wal-Mart for $5 or so and it only lasts for like 24 hours once you start viewing it. That’s nothing new.

Thats the gayest thing I’ve ever heard. Why not just rent?

:word: I agree.

why not just steal?

BTW - I played the 360 today… King Kong… was not impressed at all.

Saw COD2 and was pretty inpressed… but the COD line is amazing anyway.
