So are you guys planning on making a team trip down to represent at the next SCC calgary? I’m not sure if I’m gonna even bother doing any shows this year, but it depends on how I feel when they come around I guess. Either way though, be good time to have a get together just the same.
Forgive me if there is a thread talking about this already… I haven’t been on here much lately.
We do have plans for SCC Edmonton and DTP Calgary… but not SCC Calgary yet. It shouldnt be too hard to set something up though. We’ll get on it. 
Yeah, definately. Could be something to help bring the Calgary branch of the NECC together!
ya so what happens with those car shows do u guys get a hole bunch of necc boys together and put some cars in the show what about the scn show on may 6 in calgary any one going to that cause i wanted to