school me on an EG hatchback

which doors will fit? I’m going to go junkyard hunting soon and I need to know. Obviously any 92-95 hatchback doors fit. Coupe doors fit too?

Also which glovebox’s interchange?

pretty sure hatch doors will only fit a hatch.
i think all glove boxes are interchangable…i got a blue one if you need it

thanks ill let you know on the box^ im really lookign for light grey.
As for the door, that sucks haha, really lowers my chances of finding one.
Ah well if i have to go to ohio or pa i will.

why won’t coupe doors fit? i’m pretty sure they do?

coupe doors are the same
and if you want you can get ex doors and have power windows

coupe doors will fit on the hatchback.

just karter will not fit in the hatchback.

I fit in the Eg just fine, I fit in an EF too but my knees were int he dash.

haha you in a EF

fuck i thought you said sedan doors instead of coupe for some reson…

I lol’d at work.