school me on import SUVs

My I6 TB couldn’t get out of its own way. When it tried, I generally ended up with ~12 mpg.

When towing 3200#s ~70 miles, on the highway @ ~60 mph, the truck got 14 mpg.

The engine works to hard in trying to haul around the bloated chassis.

Besides, if his mom is hauling around two dogs, and gardening stuff - I doub’t she needs anything large.

I’m suprised no one said :

Mitsubishi Outlander

My mom’s friend has a new-er (within the last year) Rav-4. She’s been in it many times, I havent. I looked around at the EPA site, and I agree that for what she wants out of a vehicle, trading probably isnt worth it. I know she;s gonna get raped on a trade because the TB is barely a year old and already has almost 19k on it (18,6xx last time i was in it). I also don’t really trust that EPA site because I know that the way they measure those ratings is far from real-world driving.

…the fuck is this thing? Nissan Rouge? apparently my mom went to test drive one today…she likes :gotme:

i think the X-Tera is out, she said she looked at one and “thought it looked like a rhinoceros on wheels” lol.

I spent about 45 minutes in a Rogue, its actually not a bad vehicle - ride, fit & finish. I don’t much about its mechanics, but thats what the internetz is for. :slight_smile:

I’m sorry but this thread is ridiculous.

You’re mom wants an SUv with decent mileage, yet most of the listed options are barely better than what the original vehicle gets.

Get an I4 Rav4 or CRV, and be done with it.

This month’s Car and Driver put the following head to head. I ordered them by how they finished.

  1. Nissan Murano (won by a large margin)
  2. Hyundai Santa Fe
  3. Ford Edge
  4. Mazda CX-7 (they were really unhappy with the turbo 4, especially since it got the same MPG as the V6’s with a turbo 4’s peaky power)
  5. Dodge Journey

I’m going to give the Murano a serious look (even with it’s CVT) when we replace the Expedition. The Edge as well.

See second post :gotme:

I wonder if overweight, AWD, higher CG, CVT only Sentra Spec-V is the correct analogy?

so, i went back with her to have a look at this Rouge. gotta be honest, I really did NOT like it at all. WAY too small, handled like shit, and the engine made a ton of noise and revved really high but it didnt seem to really get up and move the vehicle anywhere. had some NASTY blind spots too. We then went to Nothtown Toyota (ATTN: dave basil if we get toytoa u will have a PM), and took an 4 cyl Rav out. as much as I hate to admit this, i actually kinda sorta liked it. I still cant get over the fact that its a toyota, but its not THAT bad. a lot better than the Rouge and about the same price. We also looked at an Escape, which she hated because the entire interior was plastic. not really sure what else most of it would be made out of but whatever. We are gonna hit up Don Davis to check out a CRV tomorrow. I am sure she will end up with a Rav cuz she was hell bent on getting one of those from day 1 and it still seems to be the #1 contender.

yeah, i know it must be hard to get over the excellent reviews in terms of build quality and reliabilty that toyota has

ok i had to say it

at any rate, best of luck, sounds like she’s headed in the right direction for whatever reason

at the very least the current gen rav4 is a proven platform and engine

Is the new Forester out yet?

friends mother just bought a new hybrid escape and she loves it

we just got a new Forester Xt in the shop today for a car starter. and parked right next to a Bimmer x3 it lookes like a copy cat. of course the x3 has a lot nicer intererior & wheels.

but all that being said. . I think the Rav is still the best bet. if she absolutly needs a TALL wagon (suv) like every other mom out there today.

I4 Rav 4 or CRV.

As I said, your other options are BARELY better with fuel economy than the current SUV.

well, we bought an Equinox lol. Not my mom’s first choice, but since she teaches Darrin Paddock’s kids, she gave him a call, and he sold us the Equinox for the GM Employee Pricing and knocked another 5 grand off on top of that AND gave us $16,000 for the TBlazer (Toyota was only gonna give us $14,000). Her payments are actually less than the TBlazer. We drive the thing, and although she didn’t really like it the first time, she likes it enough that the deal we got was worth it. and I’m happy because its something American lol. I’ll post pics when we pick the thing up.


America = North America

Ford has it’s interior, paint, and final assembly done in Canada as well.

I thought all the stamping for Chevys are in the US, no?

edit: Some of the domestics have plants in Mexico as well so don’t shoot me for that.

ok well regardless, for the deal we got, it was kinda hard to go wrong. if we were offered the same deal on the Toyota, i would have been pleased as well.