School me on Steve Jobs

“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, that they will never make another neon car. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.” steve jobs

this is why you dislike steve jobs…

Jobs was doing this before he was diagnosed. My grandfather had cancer, he didn’t get a handicap tag or park/drive around like he was gods gift to the world.

This isn’t about Apple or Microsoft. This is about Steve Jobs and I just don’t see how he was a contributor besides marketing other peoples work, like Wozniak’s. He is not the technological revolutionary inventor you think he is. Successful businessman? Hell yeah.

Handicap parking = Karma is a bitch.

I was going to mention before about how the hundreds of billions of dollars spent on his Chinese stuff could have been spent on stuff made here and maybe it would have helped prevent the giant financial problem we have that everyone seems to be for the most part ignoring. Hell now China is bailing out Europe too. Say goodbye to the American Empire. Thanks for helping Steve. :wink:

He had all of their products made in China but in big letters you’ll see “DESIGNED IN CALIFORNIA”. Whoa, thanks for helping the economy! Should we really be praising someone who made money off of other peoples ideas and then sent American jobs overseas? Sounds like a shady businessman who only contributed to the decline of our country to me.

Humanitarian? ipods are probably made by 10 year olds working 12 hour days for a dollar. Well, at least they had jobs. lol

You are NOT allowed to commit suicide: Workers in Chinese iPad factories forced to sign pledges

Factories making sought-after Apple iPads and iPhones in China are forcing staff to sign pledges not to commit suicide, an investigation has revealed.

At least 14 workers at Foxconn factories in China have killed themselves in the last 16 months as a result of horrendous working conditions.

Many more are believed to have either survived attempts or been stopped before trying at the Apple supplier’s plants in Chengdu or Shenzen.
After a spate of suicides last year, managers at the factories ordered new staff to sign pledges that they would not attempt to kill themselves, according to researchers.

And they were made to promise that if they did, their families would only seek the legal minimum in damages.

But before we close the books on the license plate issue, we’d like to perhaps see some more evidence. If Jobs indeed acquired a new car every six months, we’d have to assume that sometime in 2009 he started driving something other than an SL55 AMG. It went out of production in 2008, and was replaced by the 2009 Mercedes-Benz SL63 AMG. Yet we’ve seen photos of what is said to be Jobs’ 2007 SL55, reportedly with over 21,000 miles on the odo in summer 2010.
Perhaps this is just another case of Steve’s “reality distortion field,” persisting even after his death.

---------- Post added at 09:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:17 AM ----------

I see what you did there


Jobs had nothing to do with the development of Macs? :lol:

Steve Jobs founded Apple go look back through history when Steve Jobs wasn’t involved in Apple and how bad it did…

Neon, I’m gonna have to pass you the troll torch.

I don’t care if someone has an actual debate but you haven’t brought up any supporting facts…

You’re probably another one of those OMGZ I HATE IPHONES bandwagon humpers who forgot about everything Apple did before that.

Apple made computerz??

I’m not sure I believe you don’t understand the genius of jobs because I don’t want to think you are that stupid.

however if you are then here is the answer, you won’t understand it:

He surely was no humanitarian. He WAS a wildly successful businessman with a pretty clear vision and a way to make people do what he wanted. Not that different from Hitler I suppose, except the blood on Job’s hands was that of willing workers in a shitty communist country. As for suggesting he ruined the US economy, that’s kind of laughable. If they build iPads in the US they would have cost $2k because of our bloated wages and inflated cost of living. He/Apple would have been vilified for “not paying any taxes” as most big business have large loopholes to abuse. His gadgets would still have been bought by people with less disposable income than debt, so consumers would still be buying on credit. It’s a no win situation. Think I’m full of shit on the $2k thing…look at the cost of tech goods even as recent as the 90’s. Computers (PC’s like Packard Bell) were going for several thousand in the early 90’s, I know because I sold them back then. LOL! “You’ll never need more than this 40 megabyte hard drive, it’s HUGE!” :wink:

The point remains…he directly through vision and leadership did not so arguably more for the tech sector than ANYBODY in history! At the end of the day he and Bill Gates stand alone as tech pioneers IMO. Gates is far more charitable it would seem, but we don’t know if Job’s donated anonymously do we? He was fairly private, how could we know for sure?

If you have any interest in business, learning, or technology read his biography. You wont be disappointed.

Cool. I have it in my Amazon cart and will be ordering it this week. No way I could skip it considering I’ve worked with and serviced apples as far back as 1992. :slight_smile:

I don’t feel like buying a book to find out why he’s so important to you sheeple. If it’s really that hard to explain then I must be right. I already acknowledged he was a good businessman but I find his development contributions lackluster to the amount of attention he receives. Guess he’s just famous for being rich, like Donald Trump.

Please explain how he didn’t contribute to modern desktops?

If you have to ask why Steve Jobs was so popular from a tech then you obviously are to far in your own little world to understand any of it on the technology side. He pioneered technology for the consumer that was simple which is something a lot of people require. The Mac is a PC built in his mind and delivered to computers to use in the way he wanted. Yes, a lot of people who promote open products do not agree with his methods and products but he delivered a product that was simple for users for its time. The iPod which drove the MP3 format was another device that was simple for consumers and built iTunes around it which has turned into a major distribution point for all formats. The iPhone changed how people use cellphones and caused the development shift driving mobile operating systems such as Android and WebOS and now completely driving the tablet market with the iPad forcing other operating systems and makers to keep up.

His latest project was the Apple made HDTV which he said in his biography that he finally find a way to perfect it.

While most people may be against his products, but the technologies Apple comes up with drive a lot of movement in the field and for that, he is a pioneer. Ethical? Maybe not as Apple has over $80 billion stashed in offshore accounts to prevent taxes and he took a dollar a year salary to prevent paying income tax.

Someone school me on why Jobs accomplisments or lack there of are of any significance to anyone on this forum.

You fucking suck at life.
All you are proving is that you’re probably poor and jealous of other people’s accomplishments and status in life.