Scrap Yard?

Anyone know a yard that buys car shells/pays for scrap metal in buffalo or rochester? I’ve got a shell, no title, that needs to be disposed of and I need it out of my driveway ASAP. It’s sitting on my trailer I just need to drop it somewhere and wouldnt mind getting a bit of $$ for the scrap metal seeing as how the market is on the rise. Anyway, thanks.

Almost all of them do just call.


This might help.

Twin village on broadway in cheektowaga/depew

Alliance Auto Recycling
267 Marilla
Buffalo, N.Y. 14220

(716)602-8571 or (716)864-2309

Thanks guys :slight_smile:

mike, out by the log cabin there is a scrap yard called alpco. you can drive onto a huge scale with your trailer, then unload it all and re-weigh. I have recycled about 3,000 lbs of shit there, there local so you might want to give them a go.

yeah, use someone local. With a scale is preferred. bergen offered me $100 for the sunbird if I dropped it off cause it had the engine and tranny. if it doesn’t, find a scrap yard as they will give you the metal weight. I know the one in binghamton was $70/ton when I took the red bonneville there.

I’m in buffalo end of the week to take care of stuff anyway, so I’m probably just goint to pull it along with.