Hey guys,
Ive managed to scratch 3 of 4 of my rims on my 350z. Im pissed because they’re really nice summer–19" Forged Alloys and 18" in the front.
Suggestion on where I should get them repaired.
Or should I wait and buy aftermarket next summer?
Hey guys,
Ive managed to scratch 3 of 4 of my rims on my 350z. Im pissed because they’re really nice summer–19" Forged Alloys and 18" in the front.
Suggestion on where I should get them repaired.
Or should I wait and buy aftermarket next summer?
^go aftermarket…:R
and get a drop
theres a company that advertises in the TRI-AD all the time.
my boss had his re-done and polished by them a few years ago…nice work, not cheap…how bad are the scratches?
more like gauges?
Yeah, more like gauges.
Screwed up cause I just got the car recently too. It’s a 2007.
They’re not totally noticeable though…you gotta come up close to them to see them.
sorry to hear about the scratches…:(…shop around… after markect always the best way though…
They’re in Uxbridge. They refinish wheels. I’ve never seen their work but most people say they’re good.
Next place is Carcones… on Bloomington Road.
I’ve seen their work first hand and it’s great.
frenchie has rims?