Screenprinting - looking for information

Has anyone ever done some basic screen printing?

I am debating just goofing around with it for t-shirts and feel confident about it however I was also looking to screen print on some collapsible material like foam(backed with felt - it would be on the felt itself) and was wondering what would be different. I would assume not too much aside from collapsing the foam to begin with before printing.

Yes, I have searched and googled etc on t-shirts but haven’t found anything on foam or non textile material printing

Any info source you found particularly helpful would be appreciated as well as any anecdotal information on it.

I’ve made a few shirts and some posters. When you run the ink you have to press pretty hard, so idk how well the ink would transfer… Are you trying to screen car seats or couch cushions or something?

I have some screens that already have images on them if you want to just give it a try…