Screw that pussy train horn on car BS.

This is where it’s at. :pimp:

OMFG, I am so totally gonna do that on the Crown Vic.!!

Now first step, Finding a train horn!


train horns are louder

lol, a fucking ferry horn.


sweet, heres one on a crown already!

:lol: thats it… second GTO mod

that would be a hilarious response to a ricer kid with a fart can revving. Braaaaapppppp


TRNHRN license plate ftw (until people recognize it and key the shit out of it lol)


last honk wins

this one is sweeeet

haha yeah that was was awesome, doplar (sp?) FTW

its a ship horn

The first blast on the first vid, all I could think of was “he shoots, HE SCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRESSS!!!”

OT:…in an OT thread…lol

Anyone HAVE a LOUD horn on their ride? I want to get one soooo bad for ass hole drivers to hear.

I’ll put one on the WRX, but only after I put a lift and mud tires on it.


Ship horn > Train Horn
Just much lower pitched, and good luck fitting an air-supply without it taking massive amounts of space.

peoples reactions are priceless

what a bunch of losers