Scum bag DARE U is back for more


Here is the simple fact, and I said this waaaay back when. When Cliff jumped off at Tricia and I stuck up for her, he threatend me to come and fight him in a parking lot.

Every time you hit “submit reply” you putting personal information into public view. People need to pay attention to what they say, becasue it is easily searched out, by other people on the internet with too much time on their hands. I think its fucking funny as hell that everyone jumped down the neck of “Dare U” and jumped on the “ohh travis is back” nut swinging wagon… then is turned into “Ohhh its cossey”. ROFUCKINGL.

For all you know it could be Bin Laden sitting in a cave in easttimbucktoo. All someone needs to do is spend a few weeks reading through the RECENT posts, fuck the archives dont even need it. 2 weeks time and anybody with a brain can start to see trends, social/internet friend circles, employments places, what car they drive, where they go out, where they live… All that completely random person needs to do is start pressing the buttons and watch the magic.

Its just human nature to act one way infront of people and another behind their backs (or infront of a computer screen)… everyone does it. But the smart ones, the respictable ones, dont let the those different actions vary so far apart that you seem bi-polar! lol

SIMPLE FUCKING CONCEPT: Act like a fool on the internet, chances are you act like a fool in real life… thats not a way to gain respect. Even if you play a dick on the internet and are a god send in real life, law of averages states that you already closed the doors on 50% of the peoples faces when you get the chance to meet your “internet friends” face to face.