Seagulls, yay or nay?

sea gulls arent baller… now geese, they’re baller, they wait til they’re standing on the grass to take a shit… that’s class :cool:

One things for sure, you can defineately make sure this forum is never short of a$$H0L3s because your a constant supply :stuck_out_tongue: lol jk

yeah …thats the way i roll .

What are you talking about man? geese stand there and shit on the grass, its all about fly-by hitand run. How often to geese shit on people, they have to shit standing, seagulls and pigeons are ballin’ they fly by and leave surprises on both your car you and whatever date you have with you at the time.

(not that i’ve been shit on by a pigeon or seagull for that matter =.=")

sea gulls are like ricers, the way ricers do the ricer fly by on the highway. the thing is, if u feed a sea gull rice, its stomach explodes, like VTEC KICKING IN YO. sea gulls are just straight up bitch.

LOL! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Seagulls = Ricers
Geese = Ballers
Swans/Doves = Asian women?

Seagulls = Ricers
Geese = Ballers
Swans/Doves = pussy show car ppl .

geese are ballers… after their done shitting they just start booking it lol

ballers dont book it… they hang around and just chill… as hannzzz pointed out, those are seagulls.

seagulls do book it… when they finish snatching your food away!


Seagulls = Ricers
Geese = Ballers
Swans/Doves = pussy show car ppl
chu = minivan