Sean Paul, Cam'Ron+Dipset @ UB.

1.who is going to this?
2. how many people are going to get shot?

DIPSET bitch


i predict at least 1 stabbing

  1. another shitty fucking fall fest that i won’t attend… I swear to go… if those gay fucking SA assholes do this shit again next year i’m gonna flip… I really feel like going out there and protesting
  2. I hope someone gets fucking stabbed, so they won’t let this shit happen…

I need to go to this.

How does someone get a ticket? I’ll pay someone to cop one for me, I just wanna see killa cam.

If you want a ticket i’ll be at UB you can have mine/ use my UB card, if you lose the card i’ll break your fucking legs

Yeah that would be tight. How much is the ticket and when is it?

I’m not gonna lose your shit :slight_smile: - also how can I get someone else in?

edit: Free for undergrads. In. PM me your #, I’ll kick you a few bucks for letting me use your ID

if they aren’t scanning ids you could get your friends in with the ID :slight_smile: jsut keep passing it back… its at baird point so i doubt they will have the scanners out there…

just PM me how many people you have going and i’ll see if i can get you all IDs to get in free… or just get a shit load of tickets from friends, if i can find out who is working the ticket parts


I believe they were fencing it in so they will be using scanners. At least it looked like they were setting up the fences. :slight_smile:

springfest last year they did a rock show. and noone went. like, literally. noone.

so they do things to appeal to the masses. you dont like hip hop? sucks. 85% of the campus does, and I bet the place will be packed.

I like music other than hip hop, im just explaining the reasoning. Go read the Generation, its right in there

yea they set up fences, i dont know about scanners though

all i know is i wanna smoke a blunt with clipse or cam, and I might have the inside hookup to get me there. I’m gonna bring some purple

Why to go DJ Ignoramus.

what’s that supposed to mean?

maybe he meant way?

not sure…lol.

Cam is an ill nukka. I seen Clipse down in D.C. and they nice.

so here i must ask. im not a ub student but i got the tickets at UB student price. (my mom works at UB) whats the story with the scanners? i am gonna be able to go in still right?

Ugh I hate Sean Paul. Cam’ron is alright and I like Dipset. Maybe I’ll show up late.

I’d prefer something “Buffalo.”

Like Ani Difranco. But I a suspect not too many people care for her here or at UB. I just get the impression many of them like Hoobastank or Fidday. Then again I’m a judgemental slutface…

I like hip hop, maybe not as much as some other stuff but I like it. However, I can’t stand listening to sean paul for more than 10 seconds. Just my opinion :gotme:

Haha I used to live across the street from her. She’s alright with me.

Hoobastank? ick

Really? She seems like she’d be neat.