Season coming to a close...

Just because you paid alot doesnt mean its worth that.

ignorance is bliss compadre.

anyways you’ve probably got 3-4x+ more into your car than you can get for it know.


ok we don’t care guys stfu

I never bought it as an investment. I bought it as toy/hobby but it went a little too far.

i will guess you don’t know how much mki mr2s are worth. lol.

Ditto, Hoping for lots of that white stuff to come out of the sky.

But I’m not looking forward to late Nov and early Dec when the first few snowflakes start falling and the roads aren’t even wet yet people still drive like its an end of the world blizzard. Its funny how fast people forget how to drive in snow.

This season did suck,seamed everytime it was nice out i had to work real late and just got to enjoy the rain,i did get a ride in the poopra down to kingston(thanks Brian Earl Spilner).
Oh i got to neg rep peeps in real life too.LOL

this season sucked both weather and broken shit piles

Too much money spent and no use of my shit pile. Time to send it on down the road.

yah I agree

me and you need to race other people besides us going at it all summer long…

haha your the only car i raced this year. Didnt really bring the car “out” too much, not to say i wasnt driving it.

This spring/summer did go by really fast. Didnt get the teg back from synapse till late aug. I guess that wasnt too bad as we had so much rain :shifty

cant wait for '10 season

im down for some of that action.

*** Wonder Years theme song starts playing ***

“What… woOould you doOoo… if I sang… out of tuUUune…”

i can tell you A LOT about that car. i did the engine/ trans swap :slight_smile:

it even got a big red winter wash LOL

My car is going to my parents next weekend.

I’m happy the seasons over my car took a beating this year. Got a nice big dent in the door from a shooping cart, cracked the front bumper, got a flat tire… all in the last month. Needs calipers replaced up front. I just look at it and get irritated with all the work that needs to be done.

I’ll be happy to put it away and not worry about how or where i drive for the next few months

yes it did hahah

where we ran out of gas, TDI LOGIK to the rescue

I cant wait to throw on the public enemies and ski all christmas break. My car can use a break from my bullshit for a few months