secret race forum

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: on this thread

i think you all are crazy wackโ€ฆ i have never seen a secret forum. nor have i ever talked to anyone that is in said secret forum. i highly doubt one even exists.

it exist, ive seen it with my own eyes. it was a night just like this one, foogy andโ€ฆtell em LARGE MARGE SENT YA

HAAA HAAA (pee wee voice)


If you donโ€™t streetrace you shouldnโ€™t be on the SO CALLED secret forumโ€ฆ

I just hope i can be a part of it if there is one.

this thread sucks. Im not on the board and I could give a fuck. But then again I dont have a car and i live in a different stateโ€ฆ


so post on there site!!! :reloading

:nuts: :wackit: :drama:

Could i please hace access to the secert fourm?

there isnโ€™t one

iโ€™m on it right now :dunno:



if everyone was in it, then it wouldnt be secert now would it?


we actually have one of those things? unpossible!