Sell me your broken XBOX 360

I don’t care what is wrong with it, as long as it’s all there! (Controller, cables, etc)

Looking to buy ASAP.

Craigslist would be your best bet. I bought an original xbox for $20 and it had the Samsung DVD drive and a bad hard drive. That DVD drive is worth $80.

Craigslist ftw.

Already posted on there, too :bigthumb:

You lookin for one with like a bad DVD drive; 3 red lights?

DVD drive is simple as long as you put back in it the same DVD drive make because the firmware’s gotta match. I tried replacing the Hitachi in my 360 elite with a samsung and it would boot up, just wouldn’t load 360 games…or demos.

3 red light is a breeze to fix. Let me know if you’d need help fixing that if you get a hold of one that does it.

Swapping DVD Drives on a 360 requires you to inject the proper DVD key from the old drive to the new drive within the firmware. The drive does not need to be the same as original as you can spoof the manufacturer info along with the key. But just phyiscally swapping them like an Xbox 1 is not doable.

But won’t that get you banned from Xbox live?

Nope. Just swapping legit hardware for legit hardware will keep you on the system in good standing. Now if you flashed a hacked firmware to any drive your chances are good you might get banned. The newest firmwares for Samsung drives prevent getting banned 99% of the time. The hitachi hardware is a bit different and last I looked didn’t have the means to prevent launching un-stealth media. The bannings from Live were all initiated from copies of games that were not true 1:1 copies. The slight differences in data on the disk were what cause you to be banned. They cannot read the contents of your firmware from the console (yet). The newest firmwares emulate the OE firmware much more closely. They retard some of the responses the drive gives to look like it is coming from the disc (rather than being immediately calculated by the drive) and also check your backup to make sure it is ‘stealth’ - that is a true 1:1 copy. If its not, it will not play the game at all to prevent getting banned.