September 8th meet.

this is the first video iv ever made , so bare with my nub editing … but yeah we had a good time .

lmao the ending was perfect

rabbit nice job!!!1:R :R :R

The ending is ridiculous! wish i couldve been there! Instead… saturday night i attended… a TOGA PARTY!

moarRrrrr!! if you need any help with the editing big guy, i used to use vegas 5 (the program i told you to look into)

heres an idea…make it out to a friggin meet then ppl wouldnt need to take vids for you posers?

LMAO, I love the ending… do I really look that gay?

yes you do. lol


Sweet meet guys, I would be down for another one.

Nice vid RABBIT. My car looks HOT in motion and even just sitting there.
I’m also down for another one… assuming my car doesn’t blow another cylinder. BTW RABBIT, it was the cylinder number 2 injector that died, not #1.

POWND!!! :open_mouth:

looks liek a good meet… wish i didnt work that night.
…i got this upcoming saturday off this week :wink:

Nice vid… looks like a good turn out for the meet…

woulda been better if u played some MT trance in the background

I’m down for a friday night meet if anyone else is this week. I’m going to be back in town maybe for a night or two.

I won’t make it out Friday but maybe Saturday night.
I’m in London overnight Friday.


I’m in for a meet 'n greet for tomorrow night.