Serious Discussion ITT "Cyber-Bullying"

So I saw on Ch.10 news about a number of people pushing for “cyber-bullying” to be a misdemeanor, right here in our very own Albany. Anyways I posted it on my FB and seemed to have hit a nerve. Wanted to see what you guys thought on the subject. I dont want to list anyones names, partakers are represented by number:

Me: There are people(yes, more than one) here in Albany, fighting to make “cyber-bullying” a misdemeanor and carry up to a $1000 fine. Are you kidding me? LOL Weak.

#1 that irritates me to my very core

#2 idk Red, I had an experiance recently that has changed my mind on this, I was harrassed on myspace by someone from my past and she didnt stop there she also proceeded to threaten my children, I was lucky and went to the police and she confessed and was charged with aggravated harrassment in the third degree class A misdemeaner…I now have an order of protection for me and my kids. So I guess it depends on the situation.

#3 In Missouri 2nd offense is a felony I believe.

#3 And u know some people can handle physical abuse better than emotional abuse.

#2 Well put…I am like that, punch me kick me throw stuff at me whatever…but call me a bad mom and omg might as well stab my heart.

Me: I was thinking more along the lines of “4chan is making people kill them selves” like these people are basing most of their argument on. Also when you make a myspace/facebook/whatever, you are the one putting your info out there, you dont have to do that, and can choose what you do put there. Myspace is sketchy as it is, and should just be bands, businesses, and other non-social non-personal use really. Threats are just that, threats. There are just so many loop holes, “Well someone else must have used my pc” or similar, that if this were to be passed, so much time would be wasted trying to prove this that and the other thing, its useless. I just think people are far to willing to give out information. That is just general, —, —, I hope you dont take that wrong. If someone is in the same room threathing you, sure, but you can make the choice to shut the pc off.

#2 I agree that a major part of the problem is proving who did and how, I also agree its a waste of time becuase of this aspect, I was lucky without her confession I would have gotten no where. I also agree about people giving out too much information, I stopped using myspace so long ago I never though of making it private where my facebook is unsearchable…so like I said before it depends on the situation, and there already is kinda a law, like in my case aggravated harrassment if you can prove they did it.

#4fuck you and your shitty status you motherfucker

Me:Wyan, grownups are talking. Go detail a Mr.Two.

#4can’t just sold my buffer an hour ago. i think i’ll just key your car instead

why didn’t you add my comments you prick?

i’d have to say that if you can’t handle the fucking internet than you should get the fuck off it.

A thousand apologies. I have rectified my wrongs. :lol

I think it is BS because you don’t HAVE to be on the internet. The only way to be bullied online is if you are playing an active role in that situation.

This world is turning into a giant vagina.

i hope they dont find out about /b/. these ppl are gonna kill they selves!


Wayne for Internet President 2011

LOL ill put up numbers to hide their names, but leave their names in the replies people give them below.


Team America: World Police, and coming soon… Internet Police

Only because everyone can guess which one was Kramers comment lol