serious fuckin problem. Need help water leak

Ok first lets start from the beginning. Bout 3 months ago i had a new windsheild put in my car. Bout week later it started to rain and i got a drip going where the screws hold on the visor. I told them and they took windsheild out and said it was ok put back in. Well started back up a week ago. and so they pulled it out and said there was a small rust hole. So i had them take it out and i repaired the whole. Was like new. Tested it and it worked. So they put the windsheidl back in. So I thought it was fixed. But tonight it started to leak when it rained. I sat infront of my house with brother in car. I had a hose. Windsheild didnt leak. So the jackass before me who owned the car put a SUNROOF in. That fucker is leaking. Does anyone know someone who can reseal these damn things ??? The sooner i can get it done the better. My damn father inlaws car is blocking my garage and i cant get it out for like 2 weeks. So i need the sunroof fixed like yesterday.