shannonville cruise

hey i want to know if anyone wants to meet at either yorkdale or kc and roll out to shanny together. im thinking meet at 10, leave at 10:30

let me know what you guys think

square one for westies!

the meet will be at kennedy commons

be there for 9:30am

leave at 10:00am SHARP

get there for like 12:10pm ish

gives us time to get ready to strart sharp at 1:00pm

Hey Peter, I think we should leave even earlier.

I want to get things set up early early so everyone can go on the track at 1pm SHARP.

I say we leave kennedy commons at 915pm sharp. (at least the organizers have to leave at this time, people can come along if they want)

It takes us just over 2hrs with no traffic, but I have a feeling there will be a bit because people are going up to the cottage. If there is no traffic, we would get there at 11:30. If there is traffic, at least we have 1.5hrs reserved. We still need a good 1hr to setup and for people to unload and be track ready. Then we will have a drivers meeting right before we let people on the track.

I want a good amount of people set up and ready to go right at the dot of 1pm so there will be no line ups when the late comers come, or those who take slow to get ready to hop on the track.

I’ll hit u up when i get back from the US.


We’re leaving KC at 9:15am SHARP

If we leave at 9:15, it takes approx 2hrs and 15min to get there so we would arrive at 11:30 if there is NO TRAFFIC. This puts aside 1.5hrs for other things. Remember, you do NOT want to arrive at 1pm, track will be open at 1pm to give drivers as much time as possible. It will take at least 30mins for everyone to unload and settle in and hold the drivers meeting.

Drivers meeting will happen at 12:45pm and then we will try our best to open the track right at 1pm.

guys stop changing the time, im bringing someone and have to keep telling them different times… and now i have to wake up a good 1-2 hours just to get there! jeezz…

If it’s too early for you, you can sleep in. It doesn’t mean you have to come with us.

This is for the organizers and whoever else wants to come.

By doing this, it gives everyone more track time so that the organizers have time to set up and open the track asap.

if u late. and no one is there at kc just head up 401E for 2 hrs until u see shannonville exit. its very direct and straight forward for you new ppl that are going for the first time.