Shannonville drift day, brought to you by GBtires

damn, i m bringing some federals for back up, and i was planning on bringing some all seasons hoping that they would last me liek 2 hrs on 2 pairs, guess thats no gonna happen.

anyone know where i can get tires dismounted and mounted for cheap?


just go in and say “yo, mount my tirezzzz”?

pretend liek you were one of his old students

Shannonville is close by so I may swing by with my S13. It will be the worst looking car there. 2 types of primer with silver mixed in. Oh yes it’s the ugly Betty of cars. I will just spectate because the brakes and timing chain on the car are shot.

apparently supposed to rain like mad on sat.

just what i heard though

i heard mad rain friday
and light showers evening and afternoon, only amounts ot like 1mm.

who cares drifting in rain is ever funner

I dont think so man, you cant even come close to the speeds you do in the dry.

1mm of rain on saturday.

It’s going to be 23 degrees, but will feel like 31 degrees!

We also start the track day at 1pm, so hopefully by then the heat will absorb all the water.



im ready now


ok dude

dont say you wanna meet up with us to pay then never show up

then i pm you yesterday and you never pm me back. but i see you online?

like common…


We’re leaving KC at 9:15am SHARP

If we leave at 9:15, it takes approx 2hrs and 15min to get there so we would arrive at 11:30 if there is NO TRAFFIC. This puts aside 1.5hrs for other things. Remember, you do NOT want to arrive at 1pm, track will be open at 1pm to give drivers as much time as possible. It will take at least 30mins for everyone to unload and settle in and hold the drivers meeting.

Drivers meeting will happen at 12:45pm and then we will try our best to open the track right at 1pm.

hey im sorry man i was trying to figure out if could make it 100% somehitng has come up thins weekend and i cant make it, i apologize for the wait

damn it changed.

it’s going to rain 5-10mms but at least there will be some sun.

anyone have front fender caps for chuki s13 for sale?
need them bad… for event would be convenient… thanks

Just a heads up to all coming down… last time I swung by Sunoco which is next to the race way it had shut down… eg no where to get gas if you need it…

So coming from T. if you get off the exit B4 shannonville… which will be hwy 37 and head south there will be a sunoco right there and you can fill up… I live right next to shannonville and about a week ago which was the last time I was by sunoco it was closed… Ill swing by latter tonight to check it out tho… May have been closed for renos or something…

See yall there tomarrow once i get done work… should have a few guys from the Kingston crew with me.

so ya… sunoco next to shannonville is no longer…

for reg gas… eg 91 … same road as sunoco… but head south of 401 about 4km… Id go to the second one… which will be the first on the right past the lights…