Clippers to get it short; Aveeno Shaving gel; and a Fusion Power razor with a fresh or almost fresh blade.
Take your time as to no nick any important parts.
Do NOT shave your ass though; trim only… I made this mistake once and only once… bad things came of it and I wasn’t comfortable for 3-4 days no matter what…
Weather you’re shaving your face or junk always remember the fallowing:
1. Always shave (after shower for face, in shower for junk) after letting the hot water run to soften skin/hair. 2. Shave like you normally would, I prefer to go against the grain because then I dont have to shave for an extra day, but thats me. 3. rinse with COLD water to make sure you seal the pores, keeps it smooth. 4. use aftershave (I prefer the Gillette gel kind, but thats me). Makes a huge difference.