she is living weeeeeeeeeeee

she moves well too :tup:

Woot! Turblo dodge action snky 4-doors for life. :tup:


lol, ill believe it when i see it

Are you serious, thats it? Hot man! I demand a ride come summer :slight_smile:

still one issue to sort out but at least she is moveable…it has a wicked shimmy. i have two new axles i have to throw in and hopefully it fixes it. after installing these new axles i’ll try re-centering the engine.

hey i have an IC and piping i’d sell for next to nothing that works great with that setup )from teh van(

turbo dodge=hoTTness

how much zwarbyt?

fucking great. I want one

40 -50? its a probe IC and cheap pipe I made withsewage clamps and radiator hose

hmm that don’t sound too bad…i believe i may have to take you up on that offer

cool man, unique project :tup:

I guess im missing something, i wasnt all that impressed. my tempo was louder… but hey i dont know shit

Rofl at compairing a tempo to a turbo dodge. Old school turbo dodges are the ultimate in :snky: technology. Tempo’s are just slow & gay (Not ghey).

Speaking of which I think we need to have a turbo ford vs. turbo dodge battle this spring. :tup:

Im just not sure what im supose to be looking at, The TAC works? the engine is yellow and loud? ok… whats the point? it runs?

because its the ultimate beater its a 5spd 2.2 turbo. pat here rebuilt the engine and now it runs well.

Oh ok, congrats on a sucessful rebuild

it’s actually a 2.6 now…and yes i took it from having a hole in a piston and missing a rod bearing…to running as it should. i only revved it while under the hood because another firend wanted to hear it. wanted to hear the turbo. i know it’s nothing special but it’s nice to see something i did all by myself (with exception of bore and hone:jan-cen did that). yes it’s yellow and ugly. thats the point. i don’t want it to be pretty. it was $150 car.

yea it’s a beater… .big deal. it runs and is reliable :tup:

can’t wait to be back in Buff this summer and back up to our good old 4 cylinder beater wars