*Shift 518 Fast Five Movie Night 4/29*

this is mad gay


If the movie was sub 2 hours I could have tried to sneak in during my 2hrs of breaks.

130mins + fml.

it will be sold out. and are you really trying to make sense out of these movies? they are there for entertainment because of how awful they are.

oh ok thats what i was hoping but i didnt want to say that incase u guys really took these movies for real… :lol

So noone here has robbed trailers or passed under them doing 100+ hahaaa

hmm well i could see how that would work

says the guy in your sig

I’m in, will need special baked goods to get through this movie

Me and my boy dom just chillin’


Tickets purchased.

Might go even if I have to leave half way through :lol

Might be in

At 1st I :facepalm’d b/c I work nights. Then I :facepalm :facepalm’d b/c I realized I dont work Fri nights :rofl

you work now dude??? what you doing?

This fuckin guy :lol

Got a day shift… Awwwwww yeeeeeeea

Having trouble talking my girl into seeing this with me lol. It’d be a shame if I missed out on the post-movie stuntfest…

ya it would be a shame if you let your girl make decisions like that for ya

so leave her home!

Sammich maker should not be outside kitchen.



I may be attending a formal this night. If not, fuck yea, I’m in.

bahahhahahahhahahahahahhaha +mfing rep