Shift 518 Night Out?

There’s a best western on rt9, ~ 3 minute drive south from DT togatown

I’d love to come but I am not of age.

It’d make more sense to get somewhere that is within walking distance to avoid the hassle of a cab ride to/from downtown…?

there are a bajillion hotels now all in the downtown area of Toga take your pic they are all pretty cheap this time of year

Ok great, so who all is in other than me and Singh? I’m sure Jammer and his bro would be up for it…

<— Likes 'Toga better, still not dancing.

Kramer… never thought about u when Singh and I were bombing through… fak… You know it was a good time when people in NYC look at you like your crazy. Singh was on his game tho.

And TT LOL the the self proclaimed “Bent Beast” reference.

Oct 10 may well work


nicole u suck for not dancing, what girl does not dance …:wierd

The kind that doesn’t go to clubs.


no i wont have this, u better not be anywhere near me when u go out partying because you will not be able not to dance

I heard Nicole takes it in the poop chute.

i cannot dance to save my life. only slow dance…maybe


Chris, sometimes I really wonder about you…

Dude from what I have seen at Envy Lounge in Albany you dont even need to know how to dance because they all pack in like Sardines and you cant even move, I had to laugh because there was no point to smushing yourselves all in like that you just have to know how to go up and down up and down wait I am not talking about sex here

Cool, so myself, Singh, Nicole and probably Jammer and Ron are going out in Toga on the 10th of Oct! If anyone else wants to come cool, if not enjoy a cozy night at home posting.

lol you crazy fuck

You know it! Seriously people, I’d like to meet some of you and frankly the bar scene is FAR more fun than hanging around sober in a parking lot for hours.

I think I just got volunteered for this outing.
I swear to God, if I see any exposed male genitalia there will be problems.

I mean, my cock might come out, but I won’t be like ‘hey Nicole look at dis’, you’d have to be intentionally looking under the bar I am pissing on, etc.

Seriously though, I’ve been really good about it as of late.

There will be problems if you back out on this.