Shift 518 Show and shine day

thank you sir

might be bringing the daughter along since its on a saturday now. might not make it.

got room for another detailer? ;D

bring it on down

sweet this is Saturday :banana

teg still isnt out and besides im gonna be away for the weekend

Isn’t it next Saturday?

yes NEXT saturday joe u NOOB

just so you guys know the spring nationals are going on up in plattsburgh may 24th and 25th and it’s a great show… hope to see some of you there.

im probably coming dave

Dangit, have to go out of town that day.

bring that 99 down well get that thing shined up, and i dont mean the ron/mangino special :crackup

we will see… i’ll prolly be way to fu*&ked up to even come down… we shall see

:banana for being fucked up!! :banana :banana


quit showing off about drinking and getting fucked up… ::slight_smile:

Anyways, this is this weekend, so who’s def. going? :sleep

we just got our lawn put in and the parentals dont want people over, so well have to find somewhere else.

i bet you get drunk from smelling beer.

sweet so another event cancelled. :idiots

gotta love this weather. :wtf

it seems like its been nice all week, then poof, it absolute shit for the weekend. :headbang