Shift Downtime thread

Yeah shift was down for mad hours and days this morning…

I actually didnt have SSH handy to send commands for the server to pack up all the files to the zip…

I figured it wouldnt be that bad and I would have time this morning to download all the files and upload again to the other server…

actually no… all the bs attachments and other shit u people have made it like 6000 files or more i guess…

its still going on now i have 1700 left… I have to leave for the weekend so I can’t finish this… lol…

I’ll see if I can do it over the weekend if i can get my hands on putty… I just don’t have the info here to login i have to dig thru emails to find it… and then etc etc

So thanks for being understanding… i see you guys handled it very well !

Just a suggestion, since I’m sure a lot of people here use this site throughout the day:

As an IT guy, I suggest you do such moves/work in the late hours when there isn’t as much traffic.

I know, for example, that I was pretty damn bored while the site was down lol. Today was a slow day at work.

youre welcome motherfucker


i said and thought the same thing, but i also said, i know DAMN well if i didnt do it now, i wouldnt do it all

you’ll learn soon enough, I already know this shit… im just too lazy to do any of it, especially the right way

I love how everyones status on facebook was


Like this site completes there life. :lol


Maybe it does. Jerk.

couldn’t it be considered a good thing that the fact that something so trivial and meaningless such as a forum completes someone’s life? that they have everything they need, and the forum completes it?


H word.

fucking hashhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiit i cant say it

People need to relax.

Some of you need a t-shirt

hhaha !!

says the kid with over 9000 posts lol

I didnt even notice anything. It worked for me this morning and this is my first time on the computer since then.

^^this!!! lmao